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I'm pretty sure there's a new way where women can just have children themselves through... Isn't that correct? You brought me on to this.


Well, no, I've heard of it. I don't know if it's scientifically proven or if it was just a theory that they're working on, a little experiment. But I've heard of it because it made big news because women were like, Really, fuck men now.


We don't need you guys. Isn't there a statistic that by year 30, 40... By year 30, 40. In the year 3,000. In the year 3,000, males will be extinct? That's news'm deep into the TikTok realm of things. I don't know. I'm pretty sure there's something where eventually men are going to be donezo.


My dad got diagnosed with that early, and I'm not sure. What? Oh, he's not around much.