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Do you find Skyler attractive, Alyssa?


Don't say it. I'm not. I'm not like, attractive, but I think he's- You don't think he's attractive? No, I think he's a good-looking guy.


I like how she tried to say she's not attractive.


She also just stopped herself from saying handsome.


That's okay. But I can appreciate the fact that he's a good-looking guy.


It's not like I- But you don't think so.


I think, yes, he is, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted. I can think people are good-looking and not be attracted to them.


This might be easier. What makes you not attracted to him?


How he speaks to me.


Now I'm going to get flamed. Now I have to defend myself. I don't speak to her. Number one, I try not to speak to you.


And, Jim, that's number one.


See? Exhibit A.


What is that? No, that's me being... I try to steer clear, but then I get around you and you say things that make my blood boil. What? Honestly, it might not be your fault. Everything. That actually might be a me problem now that I think about it. Are you being surreal? No.


You're so annoying.