Transcribe your podcast

I went on a date with a girl. We'd go out to get drinks. We ended up going back to her place. We were making out, and all of a sudden, she just goes… I was like, Are you okay? She's like, What are you talking about? Then we continue, and it happens again. I was like, What is going on? She's like, I don't know what you're talking about. I was like, No, you definitely just heaved. There's vomit in my mouth. Was it like you could hear it or was it on your face? You felt like a… I could feel the motion. When your dog's about to throw up and it's just like… I was like, This is weird, but she says everything's fine. Try it again third time, whatever. It happens again. I was like, You're about to throw up. And she's like, I still don't know what you're talking about. Why are you acting so weird? And I was like, I'm going to go get your roommate and make sure that she takes care of you, and I'm going to go. And she was like, Okay, do whatever you want to do. All right, weirdo.


I'm about to walk out the door and she's like, Why are you being so suspect now? You can taste your dinner in your mouth. I was like, You're about to throw up on me. You almost did three times. She's like, Whatever you want to say, dude. Whatever, dude. I swoop things. I have a fetish.