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It probably a great representation of us that by the time our wedding is over, we're going to be too tired to have sex?




Percent. I've actually thought about that. Just after the wedding, I'm like.




Every party, I'm so tired. Literally. And then once you have been squishing gushes for a while now, you're like, Okay, I mean, we could, or we could just...


Or we could just have sex tomorrow. We're a soaking couple.


Maybe not. We're just soaking.


Oh, that's fun. Very Mormon of you. What?




Soaking. Before we contemplate our marriage. Yeah, great. Yes, soaking, soaking, soaking. And then we'll get.


The friends. You guys are familiar with soaking, right?


Oh, yeah. My best friend growing up was Mormon.


That's right. Nevada, close to Utah.


Yeah. Did they soak? We were children. I moved when I was 10, but I can ask them.


Okay. You want to text them?


We can wait. Zach, you told her when the friend to jump on the bed next to them while they were soaking.


Shake it? Yeah. Oh, I'm a good guy.