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Remember when we were in West Hollywood? Oh, yeah. It was back when we were living with 10 guys. Wait. We had a night out. Oh, you don't know this story? We'll get into that later. We took a trip to West Hollywood, and we were walking down the street, and there's probably five or six of us walking down, and this guy breaks up the middle of the group. He's like, I hate that. And he's just like, Move it, boy band, which was really funny. I would have said something. It was just the disrespect in the way that he said it. Zack stepped the fuck up. He was like, he like, puffed his chest a little bit. He's like, what'd you say? Like a dog? Yeah. I got on all fours. That's hot. It's like, what'd you say? He almost got in a fight with this guy. In Weeh-ho? In Weeh-ho because this guy told us to move it. He was being an a-hole. He was being an a-hole. It was a group of us just walking down the street. They say, move it, boy band? Yeah. That's.