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This is a female asking. How do they know a man is being toxic towards them? That's a great question. You all have never been toxic in any relationship before? Not once. Not once. No, I'm a very good guy and I treat women respectfully. You swear-Scout's honor. -scout's honor. That's The Hunger Games. I'm not going to lie, though. He had me. I thought that was an accident. I thought that was it. Then I realized that was like, That's from The Hundred Games. One girl, it was just a little strange. Her family was just in a car crash and they all died. She was reaching out for moral support, a couple of calls, a couple of texts. They really need somebody's shoulder to cry on. Then, Jared, what was it? You deleted her number or blocked it? Either way, I could see how you were nervous to talk to her and you're busy that day. You said you're busy that day. You had to go get lunch with your family. But I just thought that was a little out there. Did you do that to a woman? If you hadn't realized that 95% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit, and that was one of the five that wasn't.