Transcribe your podcast

I heard a little rumor that you told me that you called four of your friends the other day and told them that I was your best friend.


No. True or false? No. Okay, can I- It sounds like it's true. No, because here's what happened. I didn't say you're my best friend. I said, It's crazy. I've been hanging out with Doc so much. I feel like he's like my best friend. You're right.


Such a big difference there. There were more words. What got me in the top tier?


You really want to talk? You really.


Want to talk?


You've just been really there for me. I don't like that this is on the podcast. I don't like this.


Do you know vulnerability is actually such an endearing quality? And it's also a beautiful thing when it comes to manipulation. And you're someone who's on the internet and wants more followers. So if they see you as this vulnerable figure, they're actually going to like you more and you're going to get more followers and get more rich, rich money.


Yeah, but I'm really honest.


Rich, rich money.