Transcribe your podcast

I saw that you guys reposted a video on TikTok where the guy was like, I don't know how the dude on the podcast keeps his composure.


Can we talk about him? I hope he sees this. He's such a cutie. The guy who was like, Oh, I don't know how Zack keeps his composure, looking at Tara. And then you commented, Why are you rolling your eyes? Because I get a compliment?


No. You're jealous. My contacts were in the back of my eyes and I had to get them back.


You don't wear contacts.


Yes, I do.


No, you don't. Yeah, he does. Do you?


It seems like you don't know me. No.


How is that a big deal? I've never seen you with glasses.


I don't own glasses, so that checks out.


Oh, what? Everyone should own a pair of glasses if you wear contacts.


Yeah, thank you.


Do you sleep with them?


Yes, every night.


Do you really? That's really gross.


One time I... I didn't think it'd be. Okay, I didn't talk about what you did last night. It's gross, but- Watching a movie is not gross. I once wore contacts for a year and a half without taking them out. No. Yeah. How do you think about that?


That's some gross activity.