Transcribe your podcast

Did you say what your senior quote was?


It was, The weather's fine down here, thanks.


Oh, as in referencing that your smell's a bit like... Oh.


No, dude. We both went to two very separate things.


What were you saying? I said referencing that you're going to be in hell.


No, dude, it was my height. That makes way more sense. Because it was like, How's the weather down there? It was that, my alternate, because sometimes they would say no because they've had a sexual connotation. I was scared that they would think what you said. My other option was a Jackie Burkard quote from that 70s show where it was like, If I could run across the beach into my own arms, I would.


That. Have you ever been humble before?


Have you? Yeah. Every day, you humble me. You're welcome.


I'm helping you get into heaven.