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Hello, mother. Hello, child. How are you doing? I'm sitting here with Tara. She keeps trying to make moves on me. I'm not. You wish. She said, Let me see that Frank. Let me see that Nathan's famous. That's your mother. Yes. And she's here to protect me. I like the T-shirt she got you. Thank you. Mom, I'm telling you how she's taking advantage of me. No, I haven't gotten near him. Physically. Tell her I know that you're full of crap. She said, I'm about to rev that engine, boy. She said that. She looked me in the eyes and didn't blink. He's full of crap. Thank God. She said, I want to climb you it means, mom. Then she started barking. That sounds like me. Yeah, she was on all fours. Zachary. Everyone's just trying you guys are being silly. We're just being silly, mom. Sorry. That's just us being silly.