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If you're trying to be a good person, save a spider and put it outside instead of killing it, their bodies can't adjust to the climate fast enough. They die anyway. Good.


Not good. Alyssa, I was thinking the same thing.


Those guys protect our homes from little itty-bitty bugs that want to infest us. Yeah, but they're also-Hold on, Jared. One second, brother.


Murderous ones.


You stupid, stupid seaward. Oh, my God.


You are judging a creature based on their looks.


And their actions.


Not on their actions, not on their merits, not on what they do for us. Explain yourself.


Honestly, I think Zack is projecting. Do you feel sometimes you like a spider?


People put me outside and I can't adjust to the climate.


Zack, we're not on your set anymore. You can stop acting.


Why do you hate spiders?


Because they're scary and they're mean.


That feels species motivated. You're a speciesist. I'm not a speciesist. Yes, you are. Okay.


And you just got canceled. No, when I was cleaning out the garage, I found two black widows in there.


Those things will fuck us up if they get the chance.


African-american widows.