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Do you want a trad wife one day? I don't think he would like it. Really? Yeah. A what? A trad wife is like a traditional wife that cooks, cleans, stays home. It's not a bad thing.


Not like stays home. Stays home. No. I really like a girl with ambition. But it's also hot if they can cook. But I think you also want somebody who can cook and clean. No, the cleaning I'll pay for. Okay, he's rich. I like cooking with my woman of interest.


Well, with is different than like... No.


It is really sweet. If I come home and she's like, Hey, I made you this meal.


I'm like, Do you need someone to cook from scratch every single night? No.


I would love it.


Oh, it's the best. But is it something you're seeking, like a trad wife? No, I'm not looking for this 1950's wife.


I'm looking for somebody with... You're looking for a modern woman. Oh, my gosh.