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I've been seeing this guy who's about 20 years older than me. He checks all my boxes, except I'm not sexually attracted to him. We have been lightly dating for the past month. However, I'm attracted to his roommate and find myself thinking about him more than the guy I'm seeing. The guy I'm seeing is very nice, but I don't want to hurt his feelings, and I don't think I'll ever see his roommate again, if I'm honest either. I know this is shitty of me, but the heart wants what it wants, right? Someone please give me advice.


If you're seeing someone and you want their friend, I think you just got to get out of... You got to rip the bandaid. No, you got to get out of both situations.


Would be so fucked up.


And you obviously can't date him anymore. So I think you just chalk it up as two losses and you move on because there's more human beings in this world than just this guy's roommate. You just happen to be near him a lot of the time, and that's why you want to have sex with.