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I'm actually the first one of Gen Z.


No, you're not. You're saying that's what they- 1998 is the cusp.


Dude, I feel like they don't know where the cusp is. Pull up when does Gen Z start? I think you're the cusp. I'm '98. But I've heard '96 as well. But that would still put you as millennial.


Can you do '95, year of Gen Z, Google? What Google question is that?


Right now, it says Gen Z is between '97 and 2012.


Can you Google '95, please? If you're going to the internet with a bias in mind and just try to confirm it, that's what I like to do. You're a chronic Googler.


I hate chronic Googlers.


That's not what I said, but sure.


You're a millennian.


Can you click Wikipedia? Wikipedia says '95 to 2012.


Wait, growing up, didn't literally your teachers say, Don't trust Wikipedia. It's not a source.


No, they said, Only trust it.


No, you could edit Wikipedia.


Why would we not want to edit? What if we get something.