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Let me do you now. Okay, I'm really excited. I rarely get reading stuff from me. Okay, what's my sign? I don't do it by signs. I do it by cards. Okay. Yeah, your stop sign. Oh, these are your cards. Okay. Oh, the Night of Penteclaus. This means you're going to date a black guy at some point in your life. Okay. Which is great. Oh, my gosh. You're going to get a cat. Do you love cats? I do. Well, it shows right here. I love cats.Oh, my gosh.Oh, you might be psychic. Oh, this card's a little tough. So this is the Swords of Alderaan. Yeah. You're going to get cheated on eight times in your life. Fuck. Yep. Oh, the world. You got to get your titties out more. What? That's what it means. What do you mean? Why do you think I wear this top? Well, I wouldn't look down there because I respect women. But she does have her top off. I don't know what that means.