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Joining us now, Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary, and Molly Hemingway, Editor-in-Chief at the Federalist, both Fox News contributors. Molly, this attempt to rebrand her and remake her, is it possible that that could be successful despite the fact that she has a long record that is easily seen and easily showcased as the angle just did?


Democrats have a very difficult situation because the current presidency is a failed presidency, and Kamala Harris is the current vice president. They are working so hard to say that she had nothing to do with the failed economy, with the failed border, with the failed foreign policy. But the problem is that what they're saying, therefore, is that she did nothing while the country burned. She did nothing while the country endured these horrific situations with the economy and with the border. You can understand why they want to separate her from the failed Biden presidency. But in so doing, showing just how inadequate she is as vice president.


Well, Ari, the fact that they're now so scared of this border issue, they've sent around a memo to everybody on Capitol Hill about how to message Kamala and the border. Apparently, one of the things to say is she was never borderar. I mean, it's the most ridiculous thing ever. I mean, that's it? That's their argument? She never was the borderar?


The media intercepted the memo and they said, Oh, no, no, no. Let us say that for you. I have a feeling if the White House put out a memo right now that said Kamala is the border Tsar, everybody in the media would go running around saying, Wait a minute, she is the border Tsar. I mean, this is bizarre what's happening with all of this coverage. She's got deep, deep problems, which is why she was more unpopular than Joe Biden. I think everybody sees that and knows that. The media, if you thought they were in the tank previously, the tank just got bigger, deeper, and wider, and they love being in the tank for Kamala Harris now.


Well, there was an interesting panel, Molly. It was actually, I believe it was on MSNBC, of female voters who were asked about Kamala Harris. Let's watch. How do you perceive Vice President Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?


I think she's worse.


She doesn't even I don't know what's going on at the border. That's what she was supposed to be doing. She was supposed to be doing and in charge of.


I don't get a good feel for her. I think she's an idiot. She hasn't done anything in the time that she's had. She's not real smart.


Well, I think what happened, and those people are tending to be Trump supporters there, but it doesn't matter because they tried to cordon her off, Molly. You get the sense that they didn't think she put in enough time reading the briefing books. She was blaming her staff when she'd crash and burn when she was on camera. Today, she ran off camera and didn't answer questions after meeting with Netanyahu. We're going to get to that in a moment. But I think the sell job is hard. She's not Obama in 2008, but they're trying to make her into Obama, a female version.


President Obama wanted her to be like him when he got behind her in 2020, but she did not make an impression on Democrat voters at that time. She She got about as many electoral votes as I did in that primary, which is to say none. Then since she has been in this office, she is not distinguishing herself. At no point have people gotten the feeling that she is particularly competent. The Democrat Party could have had a primary giving their voters a chance to pick a change agent, and they might very well have done so if given that opportunity. But they're in this problem now because nobody thinks Kamala Harris is a change agent. They know who she is vice president to, this Biden administration that has struggled so mildily across every level. That's why Americans routinely say that they feel frustrated by this presidency. But now they're stuck, and they have to use the propaganda press, which they have completely in their pocket, to try to heave her over the finish line.


Well, Ari, if you were advising the Trump campaign about how to handle her right now, what would you say to them?


It's interesting because I I think the campaign is doing it. They put it on the teleprompter for the President to read to focus on her most liberal in the Senate record, her ideological record, her being opposed to fracking, her support for the Green New deal. There's a bevy of quotes that she has given that shows just how out of touch she is with the mainstream of America. I hope President Trump will hone in on that. Sometimes you get the sense he gets a little bored making policy arguments against his opponents. But the policy arguments are what's going to be what kills Kamala Harris. She'll also hurt herself because of her style, the manner in which she campaigns. That hurt her in the previous campaign. But I would really hone in on how radical she is. If you combine Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, you get Kamala Harris. Nobody wants that, particularly in the battleground states where this is going to be decided.


Yeah. Well, Molly, the bread and butter issues. The fact is, Americans have gotten poorer in the Biden economy. If you want more money in your pocket, you want cheaper fuel, you want to keep your gas-powered car, you don't want so many migrants running around your hometown or your cities, you can't vote for her. She might be a nice lady, might be a good talk show host someday, might be a cool stepmom, but that doesn't work if you actually care about prosperity and peace. That's what I would do.


Yeah, to Ari's point, there are so many examples of her being so extreme on issues, particularly in states where it matters, whether it's destroying the energy industry, making it so people can't eat meat. She has these radical views. She actually has a lot of the same views that Joe Biden did, but he was able to present as a moderate. She has never tried until maybe about 24 hours ago to present herself as a moderate, and that is going to come back and hurt her.


Yeah, Scranton Joe versus San Francisco Kamala. I don't think so. Ari, Molly, thanks, both of you. Hey, Sean Hannity here.


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