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Back in April, dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested for occupying and barricading a building on the campus of Columbia University in New York City. We all remember those scenes. Today, prosecutors in Manhattan announced all criminal charges against those protesters have been dropped. We're joined now by pro-Israel activist Dr. Sheila Nazarian, star of Netflix's Skin Decision, Before and After, and rabbi Haim Mens from the Khabbad of Bel Air right here in Los Angeles. Great to have you both here. Doctor, let me come to you first. When you hear something like that, all charges dropped against all of these protesters who occupied barricaded buildings caused police officers to have to go in there in SWAT gear to get them all out. What message does that send to these protesters?


The message to the protesters is what you did was fine. It's just like your children. If you don't hold them accountable and you don't set boundaries, they keep pushing further and further to see what they can get away with. That's number one. Number two is it's almost like a message to everyone else that Columbia wants this almost to be the behavior on campus, that maybe they don't want anti-Semitism to go away on their campus, and maybe they're just comfortable as the status quo, and this is how they want their professors to behave. This is how they want their students to behave. They are telling us they don't want to get rid of anti-Semitism on their campus.


And, rabbi, I may be wrong, but I haven't heard of a single charge against any of the protesters who occupied the campus and campus buildings at UCLA here, which was also another very violent protest. I have heard that some of the pro-Israel supporters who turned up and that clashed with those protesters have been charged. What are we doing here?


Jonathan, as a Jew and a man of history, we are now looking at what's going on in the 1930s in Germany. Jewish people had absolutely nothing, nobody protecting them. It was the government saying, Your windows are being destroyed. You're getting a swastika. It's okay. We Jewish people, are looking in New York, Los Angeles. We're looking all over. Where's the government protecting us? Why isn't anybody coming to us and saying, We're the people protesting along with us? Where's America saying, we saw what happened. Why are we allowing Jewish people to go? And these people are going to continue going and damaging America.


It is continuing, Dr. Hillel, which is the largest Jewish campus organization, I believe, in the world, tracks anti-Semitic incidents. We can put this up. Since they We now say, Since the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, anti-Semitic incidents against Jewish students on college campuses have reached alarmingly high rates, increasing by 700% over the same period last year. 700% 100% is extraordinary. It's insane. Nobody seems to be doing much about it. We get reports, the Columbia Report, we hear these things, but words are cheap. Action is more difficult.


I think the messaging that the Jews are trying to get out there is this is not about us. It starts with us. It never ends with us. We're trying to sound the alarm. This is not just about the Jews. This is about Western values. This is about our democracy. This is about everything we know, all of our It starts with us. It doesn't end with us. We need allies. We need people to help and sound the alarm alongside us.


Who do you want those allies to be, doctor?


Anyone who appreciates the freedoms that they have in America. My family escaped Iran. We know what living in a government, Islamist government, looks like. There was no future for us. We see what's happening to the people of Iran right now, and they're crying out for help as well. We hear these protesters on the college campus. We We can't condemn Iran because Iran is funding the resistance. So they don't call out the rapes, they don't call out the murders, they don't call out the gender Apartheid in Iran. They condone it because they're warped, soul-rodded morality or lack thereof is allowing them to go completely against things that they would have called out against any other population.


All very good points. Rabbi, I know you're heading back to Israel in just a few weeks. You've been there, you've been taking such support to people there. Do you believe in a few weeks time, when you head back there, there will finally be a ceasefire in place? We keep seeming to get up to the line, but not getting across the line of a ceasefire.


Nobody in Western civilization wants a ceasefire. They talk it because that's what you have to say. Everybody knows that if Israel doesn't destroy Hamas, then this cancer is going to go all around the world. Everybody is saying, We want to make peace. They don't want. Nobody wants Hamas to live. Do I think there's going to be a ceasefire? There's only one way there's going to be a ceasefire when Hamas is dead.


Okay. Rabbi, always good to have you here. Doctor, great to meet you, and thank you for being here this evening.


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