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Amber Duke's the DC editor for The Spectator. Amber, what was the vibe like at that strike?


Everyone was oddly excited. I've actually never seen people so happy to be on the verge of losing their jobs. But to be fair, I think a lot of Americans would be thrilled if these people just continue to strike indefinitely. This walkout is only lasting for 24 hours, so of course, it begs the question of how seriously they really want to push leadership into acquiescing to these demands. I would also point out, by the way, that they all admitted that they only have to go into the office three days a week already. The issue is that they actually want it written down in their contracts. They also admitted that Washington Post leadership has offered to raise the minimum salary of all employees to $50,000 a year, which I think a lot of Americans, especially working class Americans, would be really happy about. But these people genuinely think that they are in the same league as blue-collar laborers like the UAW strikers, like people who work with their hands and do manual labor. They view themselves as the working class heroes. It's really incredible.


All right, well, we want everybody to get paid fairly. We don't want anybody getting laid off. But I don't think demanding a month off so you can work remotely from Tahiti is the best negotiating strategy. Little advice also don't sing. Amber, thank you, as always.


Thanks, Jesse.


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