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Joining us now with a reaction to all of this and all that you've heard so far from the D&C. Eric Trump is with us. I'm not sure if I was you or your father or frankly, anybody in your family would be that interested in watching a lot of what's going on here, but I'm sure there's probably some interest on your part. I want to get your reaction.


You know, Sean, Laura turned to me last night and she goes, I've never seen a production that's as dark as this. And your split screen right now, it says it all. It tells I'll give a full story. Look at that. Look at those riots. Look what they're doing to cops. Literally, they had images of people coming up and spitting on cops, cursing at cops, calling them pigs. This is the modern day Democratic Party. You went back to Milwaukee. Look at the convention that we had. We didn't have anything other than love. We had American flags. We had people who were singing, God bless America. We had people who had tears in their eyes when my father came out. They love this country. They love our nation. They love our Constitution. They love everything That's the thing that makes America great. Then look at the parallel that you're seeing right up there on the screen where, again, cops are getting abused, people are rioting in the streets, there's disorder. I mean, this isn't America. We're so much better than this.


I will say this. I do believe, and I got into this with Senator Cruz, if the campaign becomes about issues, if it becomes about immigration, if it becomes about law and order, if it becomes about energy, if it becomes about the economy and America's place in the world and America's role in the in the world. I think you have a very different election. But we have been watching... I don't know what else to say. It's like an illusion that every position that Kamala Harris has taken publicly in her own words, at least through her campaign, because she won't do an interview or a press conference like your dad has done in two weeks. Her campaign tells us she no longer believes that anymore. I'm not so sure I believe in this year conversion. It sounds to me like they've decided, probably through polling, that if she stands by her value system, she loses. They've got to change her into something she really isn't, which means she's going to revert to form if she ever got elected. You agree with that?


Yeah, well, Sean, it's one of the great rebrandings. I mean, in the media, the media should be embarrassed of itself in this country right now. I mean, it's awful what they do, but they try and rebrand her every day. Three weeks ago, they were laughing at her. Now, they're trying to rebrand her. She's coming out, On day one, my number one priority will be tackling prices in this country. It's, Kamala, where have you been for the last three and a half years? Where are you right now? If you want to do something about prices in this country, go do it right now. She says, I want to be tough on immigration. Tough on immigration. You've led 13 million people across the Southern border. You picked a vice president that said, If Donald Trump builds a 25-foot wall, you're going to build a ladder factory in Mexico that builds 30-foot ladders. I mean, this is her policy. Now, I want to be tough on immigration while they fly 320,000 illegal immigrants into the country and they leave the entire border open. It's not believable. No one believes these people. They haven't done a damn thing for this country.


Our country has been so diminished under their leadership. People can't afford to live. People can't afford to get mortgages. People can't afford to buy groceries. Gasoline is off the I mean, everything is dysfunctioning. The Middle East is a hornet's nest. Russia is a mess. Our standing in the world is just diminished. Issue after issue, where are these people? America doesn't have a leadership right now. America doesn't have a cheerleader right now. And yet they come out with these promises and effectively copy my father's platform. I mean, even down to my father coming out and saying, I will not tax tips. I will not tax social security. And then last week, you hear Kamala Harris copy the exact same words. Oh, I have a new platform. I'm not going to tax tips. It's really embarrassing, and it's really embarrassing that the media allows them to do it when their positions have been totally contrary to it. You know, for the last three and a half years.


Well, I think there are two things, though, that show an opportunity for your dad and for his campaign. One, and we went through over and over again, the McGlackland poll that showed that even most Democrats and Biden independents had no idea that she had taken this position about Medicare and no fracking and no drilling, and that she had taken these radical positions on the border to decriminalize free health care, education, free housing, and you got a driver's license in Minnesota, et cetera. They don't know about defund, dismantle, no bail. They don't know about how they helped Iran get rich again by ignoring sanctions. I think that's a big challenge now for the Trump campaign, especially because you're coming up against the clock. We're 28 days away from early voting in Pennsylvania. Ballots go out earlier in other states.


Sean, they might not know it, but they can feel it. I can tell you the American people can feel the mess that this country is in right now. You saw it, Don Lemon. Don Lemon walked down the street with a microphone asking people in Chicago who they're voting for. And time after time, people are saying, I'm voting for Donald Trump because this country is just in an awful spot. People People can feel it. People know what's happening in Washington. People can feel the prices. They've had stagnant wages. Prices on everything have gone through the roof. The country is not stable. Our standing is not stable around the world. I'm telling you, people in the heart of hearts can feel it. They can put on the greatest show that they want. You're seeing the split screen right now. You're seeing the chaos which just follows the Democratic Party. But I'm telling you, Sean, come November fifth, people are going to vote my father back into office, and we're going to have the greatest country we've ever had before. We're going to make America great again. He's going to make this country proud again. I'm telling you that's going to happen.


When you look at a party like we're waiting, for example, and we're probably going to dip in and take some of this, Bernie Sanders will be speaking. The socialist, as he self-identified from Vermont. We saw AOC last night. This represents the radical wing of this party. She had an opportunity to go, for example, for vice president with somebody more moderate, but instead, she went with the most, the Bernie Sanders of governors, if you will. Kamala's history with Bernie, she's to the left of him as a senator in 2019, but she co-sponsored Medicare for All, the universal health care that will eliminate all private health insurance and the Green New deal, $93 trillion. That's not capitalism, Eric. That's not the America we grew up in, the greatest wealth-creating system on Earth.


No, it's not. They want 87,000 more IRS agents. No, Sean's embarrassing. I mean, they pick a platform. They pick a vice president where his greatest accomplishment was putting tampons in boys' bathrooms in Minnesota. This isn't serious. Sean, we have real problems as a country. We have economic problems. We have social problems. We have a whole host of problems in this country. Again, the person who has picked biggest accomplishment, tampons in boys' bathrooms, this isn't serious. We can do so much better than this.


All right, Eric Trump, we appreciate it. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.