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All right, let's bring in Andy McCarthy, former Assistant US attorney and Fox News contributor, and Kerry Irban, Fox News legal editor. Kerry, let's start there with the Hunter Biden saga as it continues here. We forget, with all the political upheaval and the change of nominees, there is still a lot going on on that front. Kerry?


Sorry. I didn't realize you said my name. Yeah, I think what's most interesting about this situation is that we're just learning about it now, and we're learning about it through the release of Foya. The reason that matters is because the Secretary of State, Deputy Spokesperson, yesterday or this week said something to the effect of, We shouldn't look into the timing, that politics doesn't play a role in timing when these documents are released via Foyer. I just have to tell you, based on my experience within the Department of Justice, that's just not the case. It's supposed to be the case, but it's not the case. I watched many times the The Foyer people at the Department of Justice hold on to stuff when they were trying to protect someone. Also, when they didn't want to protect someone, they could turn around things in 24 hours. I also had a role as the Director of Public Affairs in signing off on certain Foyer document dumps. I know what the process is like in terms of both saying, yes, it's in the public's interest to know this information, or this is going to unduly hurt somebody. I would often fight to pause depending on what was happening in the news.


For him to say that the timing is just coincidental, I just disagree on that.


Andy, what strikes me as being unusual about Hunter's request of the Obama Biden administration is that he seemed to be asking for US government help promoting a foreign company, Burisma, to another foreign government, to the Italians. It's not the thing you see all the time going down in Washington.


Well, no. You also don't see the vice president's son sitting on the board of a corrupt company where the chief executive of the company is under investigation by the European authorities, the Ukrainian authorities, etc. It's very unseemly, which is obviously why we're hearing about it now. I think the interesting thing is it's much an indictment the investigation, to my mind, as it is of Hunter. We've heard of these shenanigans before. The thing about the investigation is there should be Farrer charges in this case. There should be tax charges that arise out of the time when Hunter Biden's father was vice president. But of course, there aren't because David Weiss, the special counsel, sat on his hands and waited until 2023 to bring an indictment, by which time all of the stuff that happened when Joe Biden was vice president had been time barred by the statute of limitations.


Hey, Andy, really quickly on the Trump request, the lawyers for Trump saying to Judge Mirchaun that they want to delay this sentencing. What do you think is going to happen in that New York case?


I think he's hell-bent on sentencing him, Brett, but they're right. I mean, the Trump team is right. The Supreme Court's made clear if there's an open immunity issue, that needs to be litigated before anything else happens. There's no good law enforcement reason why the sentencing has to take place prior to the election.


We will see. Andy, Kerry, thanks.Chilling.Thanks.


To you both.Thank you. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.