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Joe and I talk a lot about the fact that we are so proud to be the most pro-union administration in America's history.


The most pro-union administration in history. Come on. Who's really delivered results for the working class out there? Joining me now, Michigan Autowerker, founder of Autowerkers for Trump, Brian Panbecker. Brian, your dad also worked in the auto industry. You grew up in a Democrat household. What's changed, my friends?


Well, the Democrats over the last 30 or 40 years have become a completely different party. When I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, our family always said the Democrats represented the working men and women. Well, that's no longer true. Ever since Ronald Reagan, I've been telling people that if you're a working person in the United States, you need to be voting Republican because since Reagan was in office, they represent people with family values, people that pay taxes, people that are trying to put food on the table for their families. I don't even recognize the Democrat Party anymore. It's a socialist Democrat Party. Kamala Harris is the most liberal presidential candidate, I think, that's ever been on a ticket in my lifetime.


It's a cautionary tale playing out overseas with Volkswagen over the weekend. I don't know if you saw this. It looks like they are going to be closing for the first time in their 87 in your history, closing plants in Germany because they can't compete with cheap Chinese EVs. They're exporting cars. They've exported them to Asia for years. But China is just dumping products Product, undercutting. And look, if it weren't for those Trump tariffs in place right now, what would be happening to the US auto industry that's almost beginning to happen anyway? It would happen fast, would it not?


Yeah. Well, Laura, what we're fighting against, my group, Auto Workers for Trump, is fighting against, is the government sticking its nose into private industry, specifically the auto industry. General Motors and Chrysler have already gone bankrupt once. And if the federal government is allowed to put federal mandates on that industry, they're going to go bankrupt again. I worked at Ford Motor Company for 25 years, and we only averted going bankrupt because we had a great CEO Alan Mulally, that came over from Boeing, and he took a $20 billion loan out and then consolidated the company, sold off a lot of the things they had gotten involved in and focused on just Ford vehicles and got back to our core product. I know that the auto industry can go downhill. It goes up and down cyclically. But if they force mandates on the auto industry again, I'm telling you, it's just a matter of time until they go bankrupt. Then we're dependent on China for all the components that will go into EVs.


That works out well. That worked out well during COVID. Brian, we got to roll, but we'll have you back. The union question, workers out there, pay attention. Who's really representing your interest? Brian, clarified a lot. Thank you.


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