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Just the same that goes, you got to have a little dirt on you for people to trust you. Now he got some dirt on him. If you do wrong, you're going to catch it. I find it absolutely insane. Kind of blows my mind. Can you say Banana Republic? I think it's a complete failure of our justice system, and it's a complete Joe Biden, Kamala Harris hit job. I'm surprised that the verdict was guilty. I am so surprised because normally he seems to get out of things. I think it's the right verdict. I think it shows that our system of justice works. Whether you're rich or you're poor, you've got expensive lawyers, you can't afford a lawyer. The system of justice works. It's a jury of his peers, and I think it's a great result for New York and for America. I'm shocked that he will find guilty, but I'm not shocked that he's not going to do no in jail because you're not going to do no jail time. People like him don't do jail time. I'm shocked that he keeps going. So I will say, you know what? God bless him for keep on trucking.


I'm going to have to process that. I'm not surprised. I think There are other indictments counts that are going to also return a similar verdict. But it's a real shame that this country had that person in the White House. It scares me that we would literally go after any, whether it's a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, any person running for office, that we would go after them in order to silence them. That's a scary place to be, and I don't want to live in America like that. I do feel like it's probably not going to influence a lot of people who have already decided to vote for Trump and a lot of people who've already decided to vote for Biden. I'm not sure how much way it's going to have because he's just been... I feel like he's been in and out of legal stuff his whole presidency. It doesn't hurt his resume. He can see it around the President. I think he will probably get reelected. I won't vote for him, but I think he will be reelected. Very skeptical at this point because it seems like people are ignoring all reality and sticking with this man.


So I don't know. I would hope that it'll make people open their eyes a bit and realize what a cook he is. I think character still matters to people, and I would hope that this will maybe open a few eyes and help people to see that maybe there should be a different candidate. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.