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Welcome back to Fox News Saturday night with Jimmy Fala. We're only a week into my own show, and they sent in the big guns to help us. My good friend, bar rescue host and bourbon maker, John Tapper, sat down with me at, you guessed it, a bar to talk shop. Watch. My next guest is a multimedia superstar, and the only reason I'm allowed back in this bar. The host of Bar Rescue, the legendary Jon Tapper, is here. Hey, man.


How are you doing, bud?


Well, thank you for clearing up my name. It's been touch and go with this place for 10 years. I throw the Tapper brand around, I'm right in the door.


I thought your brass plaque on the back of the stool had your name on it.


No, that's actually a Ghostbusters, like a no smoking sign. Do not sit this man. I start there because I wanted to ask you this. You've attained mythical status as a bar owner, operator, and rescuer. How were you as a patron?


I I was a pretty well behaved patron. Solid? Solid, because I knew the business so well. But in my wilder days in Hollywood and a Trubador and everything, as a manager, you were pretty wild back in those days.


Yeah. I'm just going to say, so if you started at, say, Barney's Beanery, which I might have read. I would imagine it would be hard for the customers to outparty the staff.


I agree. We led that party, though. But in those days, you bought a shot, you bought a shot, you bought a shot. By 9:30 at night, you weren't quite sure where the heck you were, but you led party. But those were different days.


I missed that era of bar, and I don't know if it's attainable in the Instagram age, because you can't sit peacefully without somebody dive-bombing you and being like, Look who I'm drinking with. Do you think in that regard, Instagram is hurting the celebrity regular Joe interaction?


Sure. I mean, as a celebrity, I can't pick my nose anymore when I go to a restaurant. It's going to be all over the end. So sure. I mean, we're being watched all the time. Now you have your own show. Oh, it's nuts. Now you're really going to be watched.


Yeah, no, it's amazing. Everybody He sees me in Times Square. They're like, Chris Farley, I thought you died. I'm like, No, I'm Jimmy Phil. The whole never got.


People come up to me and they go, Gordon Ramsey.


Well, let me ask you this. Okay, being who you are, the bar rescuer, can you shut it off? Meaning if somebody takes you out to dinner, are you able to walk in and not look around and start making assessments in your head?


I can turn it off. Can you, though? I can. I mean, you can go to a comedy show and turn it off, can't you? To some extent. And not analyze and overact. Same thing. If I don't, I can't enjoy myself. So I got to get into that mode somehow.


No, I respect that. I would think that's vital to just your day-to-day sanity, because there's got to be things that drive you crazy. When I'm a passenger in a taxi, I'm the worst because I am judging their driveway. I'm like, We're at 38th Street. You're going across on 38. Who's this hack?


My last year in high school, I drove a cab for a couple of months, and the ultimate dream of my life was when a guy jumped in the back of my car and said, LaGuardia, fast.


I'm I'm calling them all over the back of the car. Because you know I have a license to kill, literally. Because that guy doesn't care if you're on a sidewalk. He appreciates that. What people don't understand about New York drivers, and you can attest to this, is we actually hunk at red lights. Like, Hey, buddy, be ready. This thing's going to be green in a minute. You got to go. And that's the part I think that makes for a successful bar owner is assertiveness. So this is what I wanted to ask you. We've got this show, Fox News, Saturday Night with Jimmy Fala, very new, as you know. Okay, are there personnel issues or things I need to prioritize amongst my staff to make this show function like a well-oiled bar?


Well, I got to tell you, Jimmy, your show is an entertainment-based show. It's a feel-good show. You want to have a good time. I'm not worried about the production team. I'm not worried. I'm worried about this one thing.




Jimmy, you got to be funny. You got to be funny.


Is this you offering to write for me? Because you're funny.


You got the sport jacket thing going. I like that. You got the ID. So you look great on the outside, but you got to have it going on on your inside, too, Jim.


I love it. He's got the whole Vegas strip on his jacket. Well, this is the thing. I do dress on the air like an off-strip Vegas magician. Maybe I'd be in Henderson, not quite Vegas.


I'm looking for you to pull something out of your sleeve, honestly. A dove to come flying out.


Have I not pulled the magic trick by going from cab driver to cable news host? Grant me that. Oh, absolutely.


All right, thank you. And you did it with class.


Some would say. The amount of class a school has on a Sunday. If Fox News were to call you up in a pinch, like next Thursday, and be like, We need you to do something called Show Rescue. Would you parachute in and save our show?


Yes. It would be a hell of a challenge. I might need a few extra days, but I would do it for you, Jim.


For the American people, Jon Tapper would parachute in and save the show. Thank you, man. The last thing I need to bring up before we go, this is just a thank you from meeting you. Not a paid endorsement. The reason why is Fox has told me I can't have it anymore. I'm kidding. Yo, this won the holidays. This is Tapper's Brown Butter Bourbon.


Humming Ground is in a bottle.


John Tapper saving America, one shot at a time. Thank you. Good to see you, buddy.


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