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Date with Elon Musk, and in that conversation, he accused Vice President Harris of running a, quote, completely fraudulent campaign, and that she has flip-floped on many of the major issues. Karl Rove, of course, knows a thing or two about making an opponent pay for flip flops on long-helded issues. President George W. Bush called Rove the Architect of his campaign against John Kerry. First to Senior White House Correspondent Peter Guisci, reporting live from the North Lawn. Hello, Peter.


Martha, good afternoon. We had a chance to check in with President Biden on his way down to New Orleans, and he is now claiming that vice President Harris is not nearly as far to the left as her own personal platform in 2020 would suggest. How much more progressive is Vice President Harris than you as a candidate in the general?


The issues we've worked on together have made great progress economically. No one calls what we did on infrastructure progressive. It's a good policy.


We have reached out to the campaign today. They clarified that on Medicare for All, for example, she no longer supports it, even though she did back in 2020. But it doesn't seem like Harris aides thinks she needs to explain herself anytime soon, which means that tape about her talking health care or the border and defending ICE, and the list goes on, is all old as opposed to something that could advance her campaign in 2024.


Just because she doesn't have an interview schedule on her public schedule doesn't mean that she's not taking her message directly to voters.


Kamala Harris. Com has lots of places to donate to the Democratic ticket. It has nowhere to click to find out her position on any of the key issues, at least not yet.


Martha. Okay.


Peter, thank you. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis You will not get it anywhere else.