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Let's go ahead now and bring in Mark Thiesen, former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush. He's now an American enterprise Institute senior fellow. We've also got Washington Post columnist. Let's not-I got a lot of jobs. Sorry. It's hard to keep track with everybody. We also have Richard Fowler. He is host of The Fowler Show. Both are Fox News contributors. Thank you guys for being here on a Friday. Sorry, it's morbid news we're talking about today. Let's start here, Mark. Biden admittedly has, in the last few months, It's been starting to take some steps to his administration, says, tamp down on the border. Obviously, critics say it's way too little, too late. The ship sailed years ago.


Yeah. Joe Biden has broken the record for illegal entries into the country every single year of his presidency. We are now at almost 10 million people that have entered the country, either crossing the border and turning themselves in and then getting released into the country, or 1.5 million of those are gottaways. The person who killed Rachel Morin, this mother, was a gotaway. I'm Sorry, but it's a little bit late to be turning around and doing this. But it shows the fact that he's taking some executive action, shows he could have been doing this from the very beginning because he has the same laws on the books that he can use to control the border, not only as Donald Trump had, but as Barack Obama had. People forget, he didn't just roll back Donald Trump's immigration policies, border policies. He rolled back Barack Obama's policies. Barack Obama was excoriated by the left as a deporter-in-chief because he deported a record 3 million Joe Biden's, the deportations have dropped to almost nothing. He ought to reinstate Barack Obama's border policies, and we'd be better off than we are today.


Richard, I guess on the flip side of this coin, a lot of Republicans now are lining up behind former President Trump, who says he's gearing up to institute mass scale deportations of millions of people. Do you think that's the answer?


Well, first, my heart goes out to these two families and all the families that have been victims of these type of crimes because they're very heinous and they're infuriating it as a Americans see these crimes happen. A couple of days ago, Governor Westmore was on with our own Brian Kilman, and he talked about how infuriated he was because one of these crimes happened in his state and how he was infuriated for this family, this mother of five, and now he wants something done. What he pointed to was something I think we don't do enough in this city. Because we're in this election phase, we're quick to point to, Is this person's fault? Is that person's fault? But there's a lack of courage in this city overall when it comes to getting real immigration work done.Meaning Washington.In Washington, DC. This is where we are right now. But I I think because, listen, we can continue to rule by executive order, which is what we've done for the past couple of presidencies. Barack Obama had EOS, then Donald Trump had EOS, now Joe Biden has passed some EOS. We all know, both Mark, we know that EOS do not attend.


They're not There's not money attached to EOS. There's not personnel attached to EOS. There's not new spending attached to EOS. These are bandaids to bullet wounds. If we really want to fix the problem with our immigration, it requires Congress to actually get some work done to, one, secure the border, two, modernize our system, and three, ensure that these folks will never cross. It's not a wall by itself, but it's also if we're going to do mass deportations, as Donald Trump is advocating for, where are the planes going to come from? You have to pay for those planes. You have to pay for the personnel to man those planes. All that requires Congress action, which means Congress needs to get to work and get something done, whether they're Democrats or Republicans.


I have to tell you that Mark has been vehemently shaking his head ever since he started talking.


He's shaking his head. I'm disagreeing with it. It doesn't change the fact. It does change the fact because your facts are wrong. Congress does not have to... The President has all the authority he to shut down the border tomorrow. In Trump versus Hawaii, the Supreme Court ruled that the President has unlimited authority to bar any alien from entering the country that he wants to.


But the authority is not your problem, it's resources.


No, I'm sorry. If he wants to just pass border funding, the Congress will pass it tomorrow. That's not true. If it's just pure border funding. That is actually not true. It is actually true.


But, Mark, this is where I have to stop you because Senator Langeford and Kristen Sinema-That wasn't border funding. No, they put forward the most conservative border bill that we've seen in decades. No, it was not.


It was a terrible border bill that would have tied the hands of Donald Trump.


Excuse me. Yes, exactly. It would have tied the... You said the quiet part out loud. It would have tied the hands of Donald Trump instead of... But it would have also secured the border. It would have hired more immigration judges. It would have purchased more planes for us to deport folks who are illegally here.


Richard, you're mischaracterizing that bill.


It would have also secured the border. I've read the bill. I know what's in it.


I've read the bill, too. I know what's in it. I'm sorry, you're wrong.


I am not wrong.


You're 100% wrong. The President right now has unlimited authority, helped by the Supreme Court, to prevent anyone from entering into the country. This bill would have put restrictions on how many people, at what point, how many thousands of people were crossing the border before he could. It would have tied the hands of the next President. If you just want to put a bill adding more agents, adding more funding to deport people. That was in that bill. But along with restrictions of the president's power.


You do, I think, realistically here need both. If the President took maximum executive action tomorrow to shut down the border, he said, Congress would eventually have to subsidize the policies.


That's not the problem. There's no disagreement with Republicans on funding border security. What they disagree with is all the parts of the bill that would have restricted the President's ability to shut down the border.


There is a disagreement with Democrats about the funding.


Yeah, the Democrats are against the funding. Democrats are not going to cut a long time.


Democrats are willing to vote for the bill that Senator Lanker put forward, but it's also worth pointing out here that the border is 5,000 miles. The ideal of saying we're going to shut down the border, even though the border is not contiguous, not one wall is going to do it, you're going to need funding from Congress to get it done. Republicans in this moment aren't willing to do it because, Mark said, They are worried about Donald Trump.


That's not what I said.


You sure did.


It's not what I said.


I appreciate both of you getting into it. It's probably top three issues. We're talking about this election cycle, so we're going to keep going, but we got to leave this segment here for today.Thank you both so much.Good to see you. You, too. Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered Every Weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or sets your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.