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All right, Raymond. Biden led a Thanksgiving Day tradition, that White House turkey pardon, even if you managed to watch it.


This is the 76th anniversary of this event. I want you to know I wasn't there in the first one. I was too young to make it up.


Now, Laura, he's wrong on both counts here. He's 81, which is more than 76. But the turkey pardon, as anybody who read my book The Magnificent Mischief of Tad Lincoln knows, that was instituted in 1863 by Tad and Abraham Lincoln. By the way, Laura, I just interviewed the two turkeys, Biden, pardoned today for Fox and friends. The full interview is coming Thanksgiving morning, but here's a little exclusive Ingram angle preview. What are you most concerned the President might ask you? Well, he's showing us now how to exit. This is good. What are you most concerned about the President requesting of you? Come on. He's not going to ask you to pardon him. He's not up for anything. He's fine. The nice thing is you're going to end up in a nice farm and not on a table. This is a good thing for you. Laura, we bring you up close and personal to the newsmakers. I mean, we really try to- That matters. -stream to do that.


Well, these are the very- I'm thinking that beautiful bed. That beautiful bed at the Willard Hotel with that turkey. Those are beautiful sheets and beautiful linen. What happened with those? That's what I'm.


Thinking about. Well, they have pads on that bed for obvious reasons. I have to say, they were a little smelly. But this this tradition, it's actually a beautiful White House tradition and a monument to Abraham and Tad Lincoln and the idea of mercy and forgiveness that Lincoln extended to so many after the Civil War to bring the country together. But I don't know, I think it's lost on the President. He did manage to pardon these turkeys, Liberty and Bell, but you'll have to pardon his setup. Listen.


Now, just to get here, Liberty and Bell had to beat some tough odds, the competition. They had to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over a thousand miles. You could say even this is harder than getting a ticket to the Renaissance tour or Brittany's tour. She's down and it's warm in Brazil right now.


Laura, he meant Taylor Swift. What? Brittany Spears hasn't even performed in years. But another singer, Cardi B, is sounding off on Biden, and she's not pardoning him.


There's a 120 million budget cut in New York that is going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department, and a $5 million budget cut in sanitation. We're going to be drowning in a fucking rat. Yeah, Joe Biden is talking about like, Yeah, we could fund two wars and we're the greatest nation. No, we're not. We're going through some right now. We're going to be drowning in rats, rats and squirrels and rat holes.


Laura, it's funny listening to her. What she's talking about is the migrant crisis in New York City. Cardi B, by the way, like so many others, the Rock and so many other celebrities, they supported Biden in 2020. Now they have buyer's remorse. She apparently doesn't like it like that.


Well, Raymond, first of all, I love the fact that she's going totally cash. I like the fact that she's very comfortable with her audience. So she's with her bath robe and I'm not sure if is that a shower cap? I don't know what that. But I like that. I mean, she's just really natural. She's not all glammed up. She's just like, I'm the end of the day and I'm going to speak my mind. She's laying back. Yeah. This went on for 30 minutes this week. Yeah, end of the day and I'm going to speak my mind.


30 minutes? Yes, 30 minutes. Look, people are clearly being affected by this, and not just the working class or the middle class. These are people on the upper astralons of entertainment and society, and they're feeling it. These are people who supported Joe Biden. So what you're seeing here is far beyond politics. The cultural power of Cardi B, the Rock, and others, Kevin Hart, calling out the President in specific ways, this may have political consequences no one sees right now.


Well, let me tell you this. I think that Cardi B needs to go to Chicago in the south side of Chicago. She needs to go to in L. A. She needs to go all these places and she needs to preach the gospel about what's really happened to the country. So not just on Instagram. She did it. She needs to preach the gospel to urban America and do it more. She's using.




Platform. All right, Ray, you're all over the holiday. I know your Christmas, Mary and Bright album is a number one jazz release on Amazon? Wow. Congratulations. Where are you going on the road?


Thank you. I am starting this weekend, Laura, in Phoenix on November 25th, I'm going to be there. Then Dallas with Jose Feliciano, Tampa, Cleveland with Frankie Avalon, finally, Raymond at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville on December 25th. First, go to ramanoroyalChristmas. Com for tickets. Cannot wait to see you all on the road.


I have a lot of friends who are going to the Nashville event in Ryman.


Raymond, thanks, Jesse. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analyzes. You will not get it anywhere else.