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Um, the media has been fixated on disqualifying Donald Trump before a vote has even been cast. But they also want to frighten off anybody who might be thinking of working for him. Like my next guest, Mike Davis, a.


Conservative lawyer and activist with a serious inside track to a top job under a President Trump 47 at the Justice Department, mike Davis is on their radar, not in in spite of, but almost certainly because of his unhinged rhetoric. As one who seems keen to transform trump's darkest fascist impulses into an actual policy agenda.


The issue isn't right wing legal activist on TV host trolling. Although the open fascism and bigotry is pretty appalling, it's the fact that Mike Davis could actually be Trump's Attorney General in real life. So just remember that name.


Here now to respond to this smear campaign is Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article Three Project. Mike, that's quite the compliment. These people are scared to death with you. We're a year away from the election, and they're already criticizing people that might work for Donald Trump.


Yeah, it's very flattering. I want to put these goofballs at MSNBC on Article Three Projects Board of Directors, because they are the best fundraisers we've ever had. At the Article Three project, I troll the left about weaponizing the Justice Department, the Democrats, biden and his Democrat allies are actually doing it right. They've indicted Trump four times. Unprecedented indictments for non crimes. They've impeached him twice for nonsense. They're trying to bankrupt his business for non fraud, and they've illegally gagged him twice. They're even trying to throw him off the ballot. So they talk about they're the protectors of democracy. It sounds like they're the fascist.


Yeah, they're all for democracy as long as it's their democracy. Who wouldn't want to have an actual vote out there? I want you to listen to this former FBI official. He's freaking out over trump actually wanting to clean house at the Department of justice. Have watched this.


This is a national security matter for me and should be for everybody, because it does pose an existential threat to democracy. They will fire people at will. We would literally turn DOJ into a weapon used by a president against his enemies.


I mean, is there any more irony than that these people are actually saying this?


Yeah, they turned the FBI against then candidate Donald Trump in 2016 when they falsely accused him of Russian collusion. They turned the FBI and the intel agencies against Donald Trump in 2020 over Hunter Biden's laptop. And now they've turned the FBI and the Biden Justice Department against President Trump, his top aides, his supporters on January 6. Parents outraged at school board meetings, christians protesting outside of abortion clinics while they give amnesty to their BLM and antifa and Hamas base, along with Joe Biden and his corrupt family.


Mike Davis. The irony, it's just dripping. Just dripping tonight. So, Mike Davis, thank you for joining us.


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