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Well, brand new today, Fox cameras capturing a group of Chinese and Colombian migrants crossing into California days after President Biden's executive order aimed at gaining control of the migrant crisis. That issue at the center of fresh jab between Biden and his predecessor, less than three weeks out from their first debate.


You bring up your opponent, Donald Trump. He has said of your executive action, he's pretending to finally do something about the border, but it's all about show. He says, We have a debate coming Biden's executive order is weak and pathetic.


Is he describing himself? Weak and pathetic? Come on. Let's bring in Fox News political analyst, Giano Caldwell, and Democratic strategist, Leslie Marshall, both are Fox News contributors. Thank you both for coming on. Giano, you look at the President doing these interviews, and he still acts like he had nothing to do with this border crisis. I mean, really, it's one of those things where he looks at these executive orders like, Oh, this is the fix. I had nothing to do with the 8 to 10 million that crossed that he signed dozens of executive orders, breaking down, dismantling everything the former President did. And it's like, man, it's up to Congress to fix it.


Exactly. We went from one of the safest borders in US history to one of the most poorest, one that many folks from across the world are pouring into in places that we never would have anticipated. As I listened to the President, who Donald Trump lodged a legitimate concern his board of policy, calling him weak and pathetic. He's like, Oh, what is it? He weak and pathetic? What are we going to? Yo Mama Jokes next? I don't understand that this president seemingly doesn't take an issue that's so concerning for many of the American people, especially in places like Chicago, where you have migrants. Migrant crime is up. You got individuals who wanted resources for years within the African-American community that have been usurped and given to another group of people who've never paid taxes in this country. This is over the top what Joe Biden is doing and what his is meant to do will not help stem the flow of illegal immigration into our country.


It makes a fair point, Leslie. The joke thing, it really is same to you and more of it. It's one of those things that just doesn't really resonate. It's interesting because after Biden's executive order, been in place for almost three days now, and you have Bill Mlusion down at the border saying, Things are actually getting worse. I want to put up this Fox Power ranking, right? And this is interesting because you look at the numbers, you look at the border, nobody's fooled. You see Trump is up by 18 points on border issues over Biden, and it's not because people do not think he's got something to do with it.


Oh, absolutely. I've said that Arizona is the state I'm most worried about as a Democrat that went red to blue and might go back to red, simply because of immigration, even though abortion is second to immigration in that state among voters across the board. But I find it interesting that the former President uses the words weak and pathetic. If you go back to 2018, the former President himself did a very similar thing that President Biden was doing the executive order. What he did is he attempted to ban the asylum entry. He didn't have numerical limits on what happened. The courts shut it down. The reason is both former President Trump and current President Biden are looking at the INA and saying, We're citing Section 212. But Section 208 protects people once they're on US soil. We also have the Refugee Act of 1980. The reality is, whether you're a Democrat or Republican, you do need Congress. Whether they're a Democrat or Republican, the majority in the House and or Senate to pass- You need Allah, Leslie. You don't need Congress. You need security. You need laws to change the asylum situation, which is antiquated.


You need a law and you need border patrol agents to secure the border. I disagree. All the legislation on the planet. I started my career on the border. Bill Malusian is down there every day, and we could both tell you that you need security, you need enforcement, you need boundaries to be able to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, not legislation. Giano?


I I got to tell you, for those who have been saying that this policy that Joe Biden put forth is going to actually have some bona fides at the end of the day, it doesn't seem clearly to be the case when you have migrants coming over saying, Joe Biden invited us over. We're here thanks to Joe Biden. When Trump was in office, people were afraid to come over because they didn't know what would happen under that presidency. We do need Congress to work together. We need bipartisan legislation. I do believe that. But Joe Biden said for many years, this isn't a crisis. Nothing's going on at the Southern border. The Southern border is okay. Meanwhile, we got people who have been murdered by illegal immigrants that have come into this country. These aren't scare taxes. These are a matter of fact. When he wants to have these conversations and he wants to do it right before a debate, just to say, Hey, this policy was just enacted. Give it time. This is a stall tactic. He has no interest in actually doing anything about the border because his left link is not interested in doing anything about the border.


That's where he's being controlled right now.


I want to put these stats up at the Southern border. These are just the encounters since Biden office, January 20, 2021, 8 million plus. These are just the encounters. It has nothing to do with the got aways and the people that we don't know who came in and were never got aways. They were never anything because we don't know what they're here for and we don't know what they want. And Giano's right, Leslie. I mean, look, we need legislation to control and to manage immigration flow, but it's not going to secure the border unless you actually secure the border.


That's right.


Well, I find it Now we're agreeing with what I said, which is we need legislation. One of the things I was trying to say is that we have legislation to control the immigration numbers, Leslie.


A legislation to control the number of people who come into the country legally and to do something with those who are already here.


I'm trying to address that.


Okay, go ahead.


Okay, thank you. We have antiquated asylum laws. What we have right now on the books is you come to the United States, you step foot here, you apply for asylum. That can be changed by Congress, whether it's Republicans, Democrats, or what America wants, Republicans and Democrats working together to stay in their own country for a second. Giano, I hear you about the political optics of this, but at the same time, we also just had a presidential election in Mexico on June second. They were hoping the United States, the Biden administration, that Mexico would work with the United States to change the number, which is currently at 30,000, that could cross through Mexico for us to put people back. That number has not changed. We don't know if that will. Mexico has to be on board for this. But look, the reason that Donalds Trump is talking immigration in Arizona, there's an election coming up that benefits him. The reason that President Biden is doing this now, certainly the election is coming up, but there also was an election in Mexico.


One last point, we cannot forget about those 300,000 plus people whose asylum claims in the courts were dropped, so now they're here, and that's where they're going to stay.Right.Many others.


The executive order says that when you get into this country, all you have to say to stay is that I'm afraid to go back, and you automatically get to stay in this country. That's the way the executive order was written. Leslie Marshall, John O'Caldwell. Thank you both.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered Every Weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or set your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.