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Also here today, Leo Tarroll, Civil Rights Attorney and Fox News contributor, and Crystal Knight, Democratic strategist and former Priorities USA Political Director. Leo and Crystal, welcome to you both. Happy fourth of July. Thanks for coming in today. Leo, I want to start with you. So far, we've got two lawmakers and a number of major papers, including the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and a handful of others. They're calling for Biden to step aside. Do you Can you take more to join this growing chorus? And really, where does this go?


Well, yes. I think it's very clear that the American people should be counted into this, Anita. Let's be very clear. The Democrats Party, the White House, the Biden administration, the Biden family, have continued to lie about his physical and mental condition for three and a half years. But for Fox News, we learn the truth about his aging condition. And what is What they're trying to do is conceal it. They're trying to continue to lie about it. It's not going to work. Everyone in this country knows the aging process. Joe Biden is aging. He cannot reverse that. I'll submit this to you, Anita. He needs to go out, talk to reporters, preferably, let's say, Fox News, no Q-Cars, no teleprompter, and let's see if he can answer questions. So far, all we've seen is teleprompter and Q-Cars.


It will not work, Anita. Yeah, well, we'd love to have him here at Fox News. You know, Leo, there's a handful of reporters and hosts that would interview him anytime, any place, right? Crystal, let me ask you this. Absolutely. President Biden, he, apparently, despite the poor debate performing performance continues to raise large amounts of money. Allegedly, he raised $33 million on the day of the debate. That's according to the campaign. As long as he has the funds, he can stay in the race. But should he stay in the race? What do you say?


Well, I think time will tell if he should stay in the race. We saw in the package before that there will be polling that's probably out in the field right now. Once we get those polling results back, I think that will be really the tell-tale. But one of the other One of the things that we have to mention is that incumbent presidents, from Reagan to Obama, have historically not done well in their first debate in the year of their re-election. We still have to give President Biden time to see if he can actually recover. I think tomorrow's sit-down interview with ABC News will be a telling interview based on the questions. Again, based on his fitness, those are all the things that I think the campaign is weighing, but also that time will just tell based on where voters' feelings are post-debate.


Okay, I want to bring up this headline from Axios, if we have that. I think it says it's from... Okay, actually, we're going to go to an NBC report, if we can put that up on the screen. This one says, The Biden family members have privately pointed fingers at some of his longtime aides over his disastrous debate. They have discussed whether he should fire Senior White House advisor, Anita Dunn, for instance, and possibly even her husband, Bob Bauer, who is Biden's personal lawyer, two people familiar with the matter said. Okay, so Leo, let me ask you about that. It looks like they're trying to blame everyone for Biden's performance, including his most loyal advisors in his inner circle. Is that going to fly?


No, Anita, because it's not true. Joe Biden is the problem. Joe Biden is cognitively declining. That's the fact. With all due respect to my colleague here, it's not about a bad debate. Joe Biden has a problem, mentally comprehending questions. We saw that. This is not a one-up. This is not a bad first debate. Joe Biden is aging before our eyes. Why are they going to blame a White House staffer? I'll tell you why. Because Joe Biden is the meal ticket for the Biden family. He makes the money for Hunter Biden and the family. They do not want to give up power and control, Anita. That's the problem. Power and control is the drug that is keeping Biden in office right now. Not what's in the best interests of America, but his continuation in the office is putting America in harm's way.


Well, and Crystal, for the Democratic Party, this is really all about, is President Biden the one to beat former President Trump? For that, I want to listen to Joy Reid from MSNBC. Let's listen to what she has to say about that.


Democrats are the anxiety people. They're always freaking out and assuming they're going to lose. They are also a normal political party. Debating whether an elderly President is the right choice to beat American Hitler is unsurprising and honestly, pretty politically healthy.


Okay, so I'm not sure about that American Hitler comment, but let me ask you, that's the debate going on, right? No matter what Biden's troubles are, they're thinking about, is he the best person to beat Donald Trump? What do you What do you think about that?


Well, I think that what the party is doing-I'll give you the last word. Sure. I think what the party is doing is positioning to find the best candidate. Right now, we know that that is Joe Biden, which is why we see party leaders sticking beside him to beat him. I think the thing about the timing thing is we're in July, and people will begin voting probably in September, October. That's part of the challenge is that, do we switch course right now and have to reintroduce someone, do new polling, do new fundraising around a different candidate. It's not as simple as we just get rid of the guy at the top of the ticket because he's the President. He's also the person that we know can actually beat Donald Trump. There are a lot of different nuances that go into just changing the course, particularly when you're this late in the game. I think, absolutely, the party is trying to position itself to get the win. That's the ultimate goal is to get the win in November. But is Joe Biden the person We will yet to determine that, again, based on these upcoming weeks.


Yeah, it's going to be an interesting road to Chicago in August. That is for sure. Leo Tarroll and Crystal Knight, thank you so much. I appreciate your thoughts today, and happy fourth of July to both of you.


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