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Biden is out in what can only be described in no hyperbole as a coup in the Democratic Party, as a true insurrection. Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee for President in 2024. A special edition of The Will Caine Show, which normally streams every Monday through Thursday, live at 12:00 Eastern Time at foxnews. Com on the Fox News YouTube channel and the Fox News Facebook page, always on demand at Apple, Spotify, or by subscribing on YouTube, where you'll get episodes such as this, special instant reaction to Joe Biden announcing he will not seek the nomination for President of the United States. It's the first time since 1968, since Lyndon Baines Johnson, that a sitting President did not seek re-election. I want to walk through the history today. We'll talk about who will inherit the mantle, who could possibly challenge Vice President Kamala Harris, what's the process at the Democratic Convention, who has so far endorsed Kamala Harris, and the effort to turn Joe Biden into a hero. But I think we have to start today with the fact that an insurrection, a coup, has been completed within the Democrat Party. The will of the Democratic voter, those people that went to the ballot box in the primaries in their state, was that Joe Biden would be their nominee for President.


I think it is earth-shattering. I think it rocks the United States of America and perhaps its delusion of self-governance to its very core and to the foundation to see that Joe Biden was forced out by an oligarchy of corporate media, rich billionaire donors, and political elite, completely deleting the Democrat voter, showing them that vote. it comes to Kamala Harris.If you dare question Kamala Harris's greatness, that she might be in the running now for the fifth spot on Mount Rushmore, well, you know how that's going to go? Well, you're going to be racist. The race card is about to be dealt face up. The race card is going to fly around the card table. It's going to challenge 2020. I mean, aunt Jemimah didn't survive the first time, and I don't know if Uncle Ben is still around, but he will certainly not survive 2024. Question Kamala Harris's record, racist. Question Kamala Harris's past, Racist. Question Kamala Harris's failures as the borders are, Racist. Question how she rose to power and Fame, racist. Dare support Donald attack. As Dana Purina pointed out yesterday on Fox, the difference being Lady Bird Johnson didn't want LBJ to seek re-election. Jill Biden didn't want Joe Biden to give up his pursuit for re-election. Heading into a convention where you had riots and protests across the country. This time, it's over Israel and Palestine. It's on college campuses. It's in big cities, and it's anticipated to take place in Chicago. Oh, by the way, the same exact place as the Democratic National Convention in 1968. It's anticipated to take place in Chicago for the DNC in 2024. The parallels are similar down to the sitting President of the United States bowing out and not seeking re-election for President.What a moment. What a scandal. I mean it. It's comical. You step back and you can laugh at this bad parlor trick. You can laugh at a magician with no skill that you can see where he's hiding the ball. But it's also super sad. And quite honestly, it's beyond scandalous. I think that the Democratic Party has just absolutely made invalid, invalidated, deleted the Democratic voter, has shown who actually calls the shots in America, and it is not Americans. All right, this has been a special episode of The Will Caine Show, responding to Joe Biden not seeking re-election for President in 2024. I will see you again next time. Hey, it's Will Caine. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News channel on YouTube. It's the best way to get our interviews and highlights. Click to subscribe to the Will Caine podcast for full episodes right now.


it comes to Kamala Harris.


If you dare question Kamala Harris's greatness, that she might be in the running now for the fifth spot on Mount Rushmore, well, you know how that's going to go? Well, you're going to be racist. The race card is about to be dealt face up. The race card is going to fly around the card table. It's going to challenge 2020. I mean, aunt Jemimah didn't survive the first time, and I don't know if Uncle Ben is still around, but he will certainly not survive 2024. Question Kamala Harris's record, racist. Question Kamala Harris's past, Racist. Question Kamala Harris's failures as the borders are, Racist. Question how she rose to power and Fame, racist. Dare support Donald attack. As Dana Purina pointed out yesterday on Fox, the difference being Lady Bird Johnson didn't want LBJ to seek re-election. Jill Biden didn't want Joe Biden to give up his pursuit for re-election. Heading into a convention where you had riots and protests across the country. This time, it's over Israel and Palestine. It's on college campuses. It's in big cities, and it's anticipated to take place in Chicago. Oh, by the way, the same exact place as the Democratic National Convention in 1968. It's anticipated to take place in Chicago for the DNC in 2024. The parallels are similar down to the sitting President of the United States bowing out and not seeking re-election for President.What a moment. What a scandal. I mean it. It's comical. You step back and you can laugh at this bad parlor trick. You can laugh at a magician with no skill that you can see where he's hiding the ball. But it's also super sad. And quite honestly, it's beyond scandalous. I think that the Democratic Party has just absolutely made invalid, invalidated, deleted the Democratic voter, has shown who actually calls the shots in America, and it is not Americans. All right, this has been a special episode of The Will Caine Show, responding to Joe Biden not seeking re-election for President in 2024. I will see you again next time. Hey, it's Will Caine. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News channel on YouTube. It's the best way to get our interviews and highlights. Click to subscribe to the Will Caine podcast for full episodes right now.


attack. As Dana Purina pointed out yesterday on Fox, the difference being Lady Bird Johnson didn't want LBJ to seek re-election. Jill Biden didn't want Joe Biden to give up his pursuit for re-election. Heading into a convention where you had riots and protests across the country. This time, it's over Israel and Palestine. It's on college campuses. It's in big cities, and it's anticipated to take place in Chicago. Oh, by the way, the same exact place as the Democratic National Convention in 1968. It's anticipated to take place in Chicago for the DNC in 2024. The parallels are similar down to the sitting President of the United States bowing out and not seeking re-election for President.


What a moment. What a scandal. I mean it. It's comical. You step back and you can laugh at this bad parlor trick. You can laugh at a magician with no skill that you can see where he's hiding the ball. But it's also super sad. And quite honestly, it's beyond scandalous. I think that the Democratic Party has just absolutely made invalid, invalidated, deleted the Democratic voter, has shown who actually calls the shots in America, and it is not Americans. All right, this has been a special episode of The Will Caine Show, responding to Joe Biden not seeking re-election for President in 2024. I will see you again next time. Hey, it's Will Caine. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News channel on YouTube. It's the best way to get our interviews and highlights. Click to subscribe to the Will Caine podcast for full episodes right now.