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A new order from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is warning border patrol agents not to misgender illegal immigrants. Yes, you heard that right. As we watch massive crowds of migrants cross our southern border under President Biden's watch, nearly two and a half million now, it appears the White House is prioritizing pronouns over actually fixing the border crisis or maybe even just addressing it. New DHS orders obtained by the Heritage Foundation instruct agents to, quote, ask individuals about their preferred pronouns. They suggest asking, quote, I would like to be respectful. What name and pronoun would you like me to use addressing you? Or ask, Can you please confirm your pronouns or gender identity? The memo also tells agents not to use pronouns like he and she and Mr. And Ma'am until they are sure of how that person would like to be addressed. Congressman, I can't tell if I'm on an episode of South Park or in a far-side cartoon or an alien joke because it is preposterous to think that our border agents would be instructed with these orders. Mind you, that's the primary order. Not let's get you to safety. Not, Which cartel has a gun to your head right now, not I'm worried for my safety, engaging.


It is nonsense. But this is the continued nonsense we get from this administration.


I'm at a loss at this point. This one right here, like I said, maybe the trueman's showing I'm looking for the back exit door. Because when you get to this point, they're coming across the border in record numbers, the administration is encouraging them to come across the border. This is the part that I just honest to God don't get. You've got a secretary who is blatantly bending the law to say everything's better because we're putting them through parole, through the actual introduced. No, you're not because the law doesn't say that. By the way, 95% of those who come on asylum claims will not be granted asylum. Let's quit the lie. It's a lie. Myorcus, you're so bad at your job, you make your boss actually look good. That's how bad Myorcus is at this. But my concern is going back to something you said, Emily. I've been to the border to see our agents. I am tired of our border patrol agents being made to daycare. They've been made to keep people safe. They're trying to do their job as best they can as the law says they should. They're being mistreated over and over and over by this administration in Mayorkas, who is at the head of their organization, why don't they actually say thank you and do your job?


We'll give you the tools to do your job. When they're not able to do their job, we're putting our own border agents in health concerns ways. These folks are coming across the border where they're having to keep them in unsanitary conditions because they're trying to get them out. They're doing their best. Then their head of their agency is saying, Don't misgender them. Give me a break. Get actually to reel up there and somebody figured this out. He ought to resign simply because he's freaking incompetent.


Leslie, to that point, can you say with a straight face that any of these illegal immigrants will actually care? Give the slightest iota of care about their pronouns when they are subjected to rapes and sexual assaults and violence and extreme poverty and the control that these cartels have and barely making it alive because of these cartels. They think that being called by a proper pronoun, that's going to swage everything else. Who actually cares about this?


When I first saw this, I thought you guys picked this because you knew I was here today.


No, we would never.


Shake it up.




We go. Look, this one was when I was like, No, I don't think it's a priority. I do think you should be respectful. There are some people that would care who are trying to escape persecution if they're LGBTQ members of that community in some central and other Latin-American countries. However, let's give a shout-out to Border Patrol who just did a fabulous job with a fentanyl bus that has stopped so many drugs from coming in and has prevented and perhaps saved many, many lives in the process. One, two, we need to look at what immigration is. It's not just a Mayorkas. It's not just a Biden. It's not just a Democrat. It's not just a Republican. Because Democrats and Republicans both in Congress are to blame for the failure of this system. We have an antiquated asylum system. We have a multifaceted problem. It takes a multifaceted solution. That's just commonsensual, which I believe God gives all of us equally. The bottom line is Congress needs to act not just a president, but this memo doesn't help, and it doesn't help the perception because immigration is a very important issue for everyone.


I appreciate that answer. I think to those fleeing truth persecution, then I would think the safety of being alive still trumps priority, whether they're called the right pronoun and they just want to be safe. Then to the point about the 26 defendants now for that fentanyl, that wouldn't have happened were not for these flooded borders under Biden's watch. Kaylee, I wanted to draw your attention too. Now let's bring out the former President, his actions, because actions matter and endorsements arguably matter. This is President Trump who went down to the border. He's serving border agents a Thanksgiving meal with gratitude and acknowledgment. Two things we've yet to see from our current President. And during that trip to Texas, he scored an arguably critical endorsement by Governor Abbot. Let's say you.


Yeah, you know, Leslie says it takes a multifaceted solution. Absolutely. It also takes a competent leader. We don't have a competent leader. We have President Biden. We did have a competent leader, President Trump, who implemented a multifaceted solution: remain in Mexico, build the wall. He threatened to put tariffs on Mexico unless they mobilize their troops to their our Northern border, our Southern border, and it worked. We are seeing now record-breaking numbers on the Southern border that doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens because in the words of Obrador in Mexico, he called Joe Biden the migrant President. He understands the connection between policies and outcomes. And that's what we're seeing now. I regret we don't have a competent leader anymore, but I used to hear build the wall at Trump rallies, but now a majority, 55 % are shouting build the wall together in the latest poll, 55 % support building a wall because it worked.


Taken, forgive this oversimplistic analogy, but one time I was on it, it was on an international flight. I was in Asia. The flight was totally insane. It was a worst flight. I didn't fly for two years after. It was so scary. My point is, all we cared about was landing safely. I didn't care whether peanuts were served or not. I would think for those millions of migrants flooding across our border, again, they do not care how they are addressed as long as they are alive. And more importantly, I don't think our border agents care about the niceties put forth by this administration. I think they care about their safety and some type of purpose-driven career and their safety that they are absolutely lacking under this administration.


I doubt that the parents of the dead babies and the children who drowned trying to get across the border really care about the pronouns or the women who have been repeatedly raped trying to get across the border, who have been repeatedly ignored by Alejandro Mayorkas and this administration who laid the foundation for all of this misery and suffering. I don't think people care who are part of all of the communities who've been financial and economically crushed by this wide-open border. This is Coast to Coast. This is a catastrophe brought upon this nation by this administration. I challenge Mayorkas to maybe go to Chicago, where moment after moment, time after time, the residents in Chicago, plagued by crime, again, brought upon them by liberals in power, but who have been angry about the illegal migrants taking over their parks, taking over their playgrounds.




Mayorkas tell those parents and those men and women that his priority is misgendering my illegal migrants and pronouns. I'd like to see what those residents of Chicago have to say to him about that.


You can't make it up. Just a reminder, every time you see orders, your tax dollars went toward the execution of even writing it and putting it forth. Just a waste top to bottom. Hey, everyone, I'm Emily Campano. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Falkner and Kaylee Mechanemi, on Outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 p. M. Eastern, or sets your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.