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Special Report. Brett Beers with us. Brett, I find the voices of Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Hakeem Jeffrey somewhat deafening tonight. Your thoughts?


Noticeably absent, and not endorsing Vice President Harris right away. She does have a number of key endorsers. Some of the names that are being circulated as possible, VPs for her, Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Governor Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, Senator Mark Kelly in Arizona, all have endorsed her full-throated. But you're right to say that those names have not. I think it's fascinating that we didn't see President Biden today, that it was only this paper statement. Lbj, back in 1968, gave a long televised speech about why he was stepping down. The only inclination is that he couldn't win to Peter's point. We have a statement that was read by CBS News from Frank Biden, the President's brother, saying that his deteriorating health was a key factor in this decision. That's another piece of the puzzle.


Well, the President had claimed up until last week that he did not have any serious health issues, but did indicate that if he did, he would reconsider. I doubt they're including COVID as a key health issue, right? From every indication, he's recovering nicely from COVID, correct?


Exactly. I mean, we don't have any indication that he's going south from that, but that he's coughing and has a harsh voice. But for his brother to say something like that indicates there's something bigger afoot here. It's likely what we all have seen from the debate, which, by the way, is hard to believe that was only three and a half weeks ago. All that has transpired in the political news front since then is like the speed of light. One last thing about Vice President Harris, she will be the only nominee, if it is her, who has never won a national primary or caucus. To your point, in 2019, she was out before the Iowa caucuses. The money dried up and the support was not there. She will have never won a actual vote if she becomes the nominee at the Chicago Convention.


Yeah, it's going to be phenomenal. There's only 57 days now until early voting begins in Pennsylvania then rolls out around the rest of the country. Brett, pretty unprecedented times we're living in for sure. Brett Baer. Thank you. We appreciate. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.