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The seeds of Scranton Joe are long gone. Last night, we got Joe Cool. His campaign says that star-studded fundraiser right across the street featuring not just Hollywood celebrities, but President Obama and Clinton neted $26 million. Okay, but get this. Axios is describing last night as Biden being, The alpha male on the stage with two of the most gifted politicians of our time. Really? Again? It happens without us watching. I find it exasperating that we never get to see that Joe Biden. Even John Stuart feels the frustration I feel.


You're telling us behind the scenes, he is sharp and full of energy and on top of it and really in control and leading. You should film that. That would be good to show to people instead of a TikTok where he goes,.


All right. Can we see that guy? Can John Stuart see that guy? Because he popped up again yesterday, apparently. This is the clip team Biden shows us that reveals that he was the alpha on stage. A reminder, he was on stage for nearly an hour. This is the best moment.


My question to you, sir, can voters trust a President potential candidate who has not won a single Trump international golf club trophy? At long last, sir, have you no chip shot?


Well, look, I'd be happy to play. I told him this before when he came into the oval, when he was being before you got sworn in. I said, I'll give you three strokes if you carry your own bag.


That is so alpha. In the past, Joe Biden's stories have not passed the fact test. I decided before the show to ask President Trump about it. Said, did this happen? He said, The conversation never happened. He's challenging President Biden to a round of golf right now to be followed by a debate. Biden, he says, wouldn't stand the chance. He told me, by the way, he's destroying the country. That's typical President Trump.


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