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Let's go to Congressant Chip Roy, the beautiful state of Texas, a guy who very efficiently speaks his mind. Congressant, it's always good to have you. I quote your dramatic speech on the floor of the House. You've got a lot of people's attention. Before I get to that note, sir, your reaction to the president's meeting with Mexican President, Obertor, where essentially the Mexican President acknowledged there are 40 million Mexicans already working in this country. You make the assumption, I'm sure legally, but we know otherwise. What do you make of that?


Well, Neil, great to be on, as always. Great to be on your show. Happy Thanksgiving coming up next week. Look, what I make of it is there are a bunch of words. And going back to my speech this week, the American people are tired of words. I'm glad they're talking about the border, great. But at this point, the President, our President, is the one who could do something about it right now, but refuses to. And it's the people that I represent in Texas, the people that I know in Texas that are left carrying the bag. It's the parents who've lost a loved one to fentanyl poisoning. It's the ranchers who have had their livestock get out and their livelihood get decimated in South Texas. It's the migrants who die in Texas, the almost 1,000 last year who died along the Rio Grande in South Texas, the little girls getting sold into sex trafficking trade. Neil, it's unconscionable, and yet this administration is purposely using laws that are meant to be exceptions as a compassionate nation to help people who are being persecuted as a whole to blow a hole into our border security with parole and asylum rather than doing their job to secure the border.


You'll remember that Jay Johnson, under President Obama, said that 1,000 a month was a crisis. Neil, you know and I know, we're up to 160, 200, 260, 300,000 a month now, which is absolutely extraordinary. I'm glad, G, in Mexico and the President are talking about these things, but that's going to yield nothing but words and more money and more programs rather than the will to do our job to secure the border. Frankly, I'm tired of Republicans talking about it instead of forcing action in Washington.


Yeah, it's that latter point, congressman, you made dramatically clear earlier this week. I want to refer to this. Take a look.


We're pissing it away. We're giving it away. All that they fought for, all of those freedoms, we are giving it away. Why? Because we're too cowardly to stand up and do our job. Oh, no, a shutdown. Are you freaking kidding me? Oh, we can't have a shutdown heading into Thanksgiving. What will they say or do? How about we stand up and fight?


Well, we didn't have a shutdown. A lot of your colleagues felt it wasn't worth having a fight like that at Thanksgiving. What do you think?


Well, look, here's the thing. When I fly home to Texas, I'm not being bombarded by complaints like I am in Washington from my colleagues when I speak the truth on the floor. I'm being thanked. I was just at a lunch with my family, my kids, and my in-laws, and I had multiple people come up to me and say, Hey, thank you. Thank you for speaking for us because they're tired of what's happening at our border and they're tired of Republicans saying they're going to do something about it. Republicans have got to meet the moment, Neil. Look, none of us want a shutdown. None of us want our military to go unpaid or Border Patrol to go unpaid. But the founders gave us the power of the purse for a reason. In what universe should we be using the continuing resolution, that is, continuing to spend at last year's Nancy Pelosi levels to advance policies that are undermining our health, security, and wellbeing? The border is one obvious topic, an existential threat. We're not meeting the moment. Another one that you're very aware of and smart about is the debt. The debt bomb that we're facing.


Spending money we don't have, destroying the dollar, destroying our economy, driving up inflation, making the American dream unattainable. I love my Republican colleagues that I work with, and so many of them are great friends. But we cannot keep going to Washington and selling the false notion that we're trying to fight when we lay down every time. Now, I'm going to give Mike Johnson, my dear friend, a lot of grace. I was just on a call with him talking about the border. He's a good man, and I'm happy to get in behind him and fight and work alongside my Republican colleagues. But I'm not interested in more fake fights. We've got to stand up and fight for the American people who are tired of the status quo, those tombstones in Arlington, those are there for a reason. People wanted to preserve this great republic. The founders gave us the tool in the House of representatives to say, You know what? We don't take our treasure and go spend it to fund executive branch that is out of control, lawless, and tyrannical, and undermining our liberties. I, for one, I'm not going to sit here over Thanksgiving saying how thankful I am for this country and not say I'm going to put everything on the field for my kids to look them in the eye and said I did everything I could to save it for them.


Congress, and you mentioned Mike Johnson and you have high regard for him and all of that. He essentially did what his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy, did and got this plan done and moved to the Senate and ultimately signed by the President with Democratic votes. Now that got Kevin McCarthy eventually thrown out. Do you think he should suffer the same fate?


Look, I didn't want to go play that game with Kevin. I don't want to play that game with Mike. I wanted to give Kevin grace. I lost that fight. I didn't pursue the motion to vacate. I thought we should finish the game with the quarterback in there. I feel the same way about Mike. I want to get in behind and look shoulder to shoulder with Mike, lock arms with him and go fight for this country. But what I don't want is more of the same. So it's up to Mike to work with us and let's lead and let's go lock arms and go stand up for the country. We can compromise, but compromise to the end of achieving something transformative. Let's secure the border, cut spending. Let's knock inflation down. Let's send a strong message that the United States military is going to be strong, not woke in social engineering, but strong to stand up against China. Let's go fund Israel, but let's stop writing blank checks with an ATM for the world. The American people expect us to be responsible, and that's what we need to do.


Congressman, thank you very much. You speak your mind and very eloquently at that. Congress and Chip Roy of Texas have a very good Thanksgiving.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campano. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Falkner and Kaylee Mechaneti, on Outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern or sets your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.