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Let's bring in Leo Tarroll, civil rights attorney and Fox news contributor. Leo, good to have you with us today. We've seen a number of examples across the country of why this deterioration may be happening, and I want to get into some of those with you. But just your top-line reaction to this continuing shift in the political demographic in this country.


Very simply, thank you for having me, Martha. The Democrat playbook is outdated. The message is old. This country is not systemically racist. When Joe Biden goes into a Black church every four years, that's not going to signal the Black community to vote for the Democrats or go to the Hispanic community. If the Democrat policies Martha. It's the Democrats policy on immigration, law and order, the economy, inflation. Those things affect Black Americans, and Black Americans and Hispanic are saying, Those policies are hurting us. The Trump effect is in play. This decline is because many African-American, Hispanic feel that they had a better standard of living during the Trump administration. Trump, being a wealthy millionaire, is talking about those issues, talking about immigration, talking about gas prices. One last point, you look at the effect of immigration on democratic cities, Blacks and Hispanic. It is creating a tension in those communities, and that's why you see this shift.


No doubt about it. I want to play this from Mayor Eric Adams because it seems, and we also have an example from Brandon Johnson, if we get to it, the Chicago mayor in a a similar vein. It appears that there's an effort among some Democratic leaders to continue to remind Black voters of where their alliance should be in their opinion. This is Eric Adams in New York a few days ago, January 31st. Watch.


Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York? That That's why people are hated on me. How many of you go to church? Ma'am, this is a Matthew 21:12 moment. Jesus walked in the temple. He saw them doing wrong in the temple. He did what? He turned the table over. I went to City Hall and turned the table over.


Leo, what do you think?


Martha, thank you for that question. You know who's hitting on him? Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, everyone, regardless of color. You know why? Because the city's in That's a perfect example of why blacks and Hispanic and old people are rejecting Democrat policies. Look what's happening in New York, in Chicago. I want to be very clear. I've been a civil rights attorney for 30 years. There is no systemic racism in our government. You have black mayors, and he's sitting there telling you that the race car is still alive and well. That is a lie when it comes to democratic cities. You can say the same thing for Chicago, the same thing for Los Angeles. Minorities are everywhere in this country. By the way, we had a black president, I think, in 2008 for eight years.


What's ironic to me in that sound bite, Leo, is that I think a lot of people would love for someone to come in and flip over the tables. In Albany and other places. The mayor said that's what he wanted to do. I think that black New Yorkers, white New Yorkers, Hispanic New Yorkers would like to see a shake up for the better. That, to me, is separate from this idea that, which I think you have just stated you think is disingenuous, that he's being pushed back on or not able to do his job because he hired so many black people to be part of his leadership team.


That's the game that the Democrats played, identity politics. There is a move to try to get the governor to remove Alvin Bragg. They can't. You know why, Martha? Because of his skin color. Identity politics has boxed in the Democrats and it allows allows them to hold incompetent people, allow them to remain in office. Alvin Bragg is incompetent. His skin color keeps him in office.


I just want to play one last sound bite. This is President Biden in the last presidential election talking to someone who has become a very important person to speak to for people running for high office, Charlamagne Tha God. This is from The Breakfast Club way back then. Watch. If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black.


It don't have nothing to It has to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact I want something for my community.


But a quick response to that, if you would, Leo.


Very quickly, Fox has a video. That statement is the reason why I left the Democrats and became a Republican and voted for Trump. I said on Sean Hannity show, that's the reason why I left. That statement is racist.


Leo, thank you. Always great to have you with us, sir. Thanks so much. We'll talk to you soon.


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