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Okay, so Fox News alert. We're a few minutes from the top of the hour, and we have this all-star lineup with us, which is amazing. Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Ari Fleischer, Kari Kupak-Erban. As we continue to have reaction and analysis to the breaking news out of the Supreme Court earlier. Jonathan, we just got this sketch out of the Supreme Court from this morning because, of course, we were just hearing the oral arguments. We were not seeing the justices. This is a first look from this sketch at what we were seeing inside the courtroom. While all of this was going on, I should say, briefly after it concluded, and the President took to the microphone to react and give his analysis over what he heard at the Supreme Court, there was a media moment. I can tell you that we were watching because we took the President live. There has obviously been questions about other networks taking the former President live. There was this moment on CNN. Watch.


They had no money to give to Hamas.


They had no money to give to Hamas. He had no money to give to Esbouh. Okay, I think we've gotten all the illegal analysis we're going to get out of President Trump. It's odd there because this was actually an opportunity for him to come out and say- Is it odd?


No, it's not because it He wants to talk about himself.


Jonathan, allow your whatever hat you want to put on to react to that. But they laughed off hearing the reaction from the former President. They got out of him while he was still speaking. As we were watching, I think they got back in for a bit, then they got back out. It's almost like they couldn't make up their minds. What did you think when you saw that?


Well, it's not a laughing matter. I mean, what they're talking about is censoring comments from the leading candidate for the presidency. We saw on MSNBC an open promise or pledge that they would continue to censor Trump because they felt that he was lying. The viewers of those networks will not be able to hear from currently the leading candidate for the presidency. However you feel about Trump, it's news. He's news. Half of this country, according to polls, are supporting him for the presidency. When you compare what you just saw on CNN with what you just heard from the Supreme Court, those were nine people who share very different political viewpoints and deeply divided ideological viewpoints. And yet they came together. They gave a fair hearing to both sides. They weren't partisans at that key moment. It troubles me that when people see these other networks, they were told for months that the only people that would raise concerns over this theory were hard-right Conservatives, that this was a slam dunk on the law. They produce all these experts saying that it's clearly being used correctly by Colorado. You can understand why people are very angry when they see something different, when they hear justices expressing different viewpoints.


That's why they go to their homes and harass them, is because they don't know or they're not informed. This was always a novel and a dangerous, and in my view, unfounded theory.


Hey, I want to come back to Kerry Urban for a second on the 14th Amendment, Section 3. Kerry, you were pointing out that the hard language of Section 3 says, no person shall be, as opposed to, No person shall seek to become. What do you make of that?


It's just that Colorado, I think, was attempting to change the qualifications for President, and that's part of their argument. To your point, John, we're talking about the section is clear about an office holder versus an office seeker. Here, Donald Trump is an office seeker. This gets into whether it's self-executing, whether it should be a self-executing sword. That was part of the conversation discussion among the justices as well.




All right, real quickly, Carine Jean-Pierre is already taking questions. She's stepped up to the microphone in light of the White House. She's being asked about her report. Let's dip in here and listen.


The White House Office hasn't said those specifics. Is that something you can get back to us with?


Honestly, you can just reach out directly to them. They have been pretty, as you know. My colleagues there have been pretty responsive. So I would really direct you to them, direct them, specifically.


And multiple times this week, the President, in his public remarks, talked about having conversations in 2021 with European leaders who were deceased at that time. So can you give us an explanation into why the President was referring to those people in those conversations and what exactly happened there?


I know there's been a lot of focus on this. I want to just step back for a second and just think really top level of what the President was talking about when he was having as he tells the story about having these conversations with world leaders, which are obviously important conversations. He was underlying the January sixth events in 2021, what happened, the message that it sent around the globe, around the to our world, to our leaders, to world leaders, how dangerous it is, our democracy, how important democracy was or is, continues to be, obviously. And he was asked. He was asked after he was elected, when he went to the G7, he said, and you saw this, it was something that we were saying throughout that trip, America is back. America is back. And what was asked of him was for how long. And that whole story is just to reiterate, to really land obviously, how important what we saw, that event, how important it is to continue to fight for democracy, but also how important it is the United States, their leadership, our leadership here in the globe. And so he never thought this is someone who was a senator.


He was a vice president. He has a relationship with some of these world leaders for decades, and he never thought that he would hear that. And so you hear You hear him say that? You hear him talk about it? Another part of it, too, is how unprecedented that moment was in January sixth, when a 2000-person mob went to the Capitol because they were lied to about the results of the election, because they wanted to overturn the election. So just really want to make sure that we get that, that we understand the reason he was telling that story. And look, Look, as it relates to the names and what he was trying to say, look, many people, elected officials, many people, they can misspeak sometimes, right? And look, let me give you a couple of examples. On Sunday, Speaker Johnson said, Iran instead of Israel. This happens. Joe is not here. There are many times I call Joe from USA Today, Michael. I'm sure he doesn't appreciate that. I've apologized to him many times. Now I call him Jojo because the President calls him Jojo. Also, Sean Hannity himself has said Jason Chavitz when he met Matt Gates.


I mean, it happens. It really happens. Rick Scott even confuses saving Medicare money with cutting Medicare.


Very little reaction or words from the White House in response to what we heard in the form of those oral arguments at the Supreme Court earlier. Of course, Andy, the first question that we got in there on was a question to the White House about the Herb report, the special counsel report, into the President's handling of classified documents. Any thoughts on what you heard there as they do anticipate that?


You mean the report that's likely to come out on the Friday before the Super Bowl? Look, I think what you're going to have to deal with here is a report that is going to underscore that Biden may technically have violated the Espionage Act, and he hasn't been charged with it. Trump, he's looking in an indictment with, is it three dozen counts in it? Maybe more than that. They could have in the moral Chicago case just made that an obstruction case. What they've said over and over again is that the reason for treating the two things differently is because supposedly, Trump fought the government for the whole time as they tried to retrieve these documents, whereas Biden, led to believe, was totally cooperative with the FBI as they tried to look at his different locations. If you wanted to handle the case that way, you could have just tried them in Florida for the obstruction stuff and left the classified documents out of it. The Biden Justice Department and its special counsel decided that those documents should be a big part of the case down in Florida. If it turns out that Biden has engaged in the same behavior and isn't being charged, I think that's going to be a major issue.


I want to come back for a second to what Karine Jean-Pierre was asked there at the and bounce this off of both Ari and Kerry, who were both spokespersons for administration. She was asked about Joe Biden saying that he had a meeting with Helmut Cole when Helmut Cole was long dead. I thought maybe he was just channeling Haley Joel-Ozman, but apparently it goes much deeper than that, Ari. What did you make of that tortuous answer that she gave?


Well, I think if she wasn't working for Joe Biden, it might be a good answer. Everybody does mix up names every now and then. Joe Biden does it all the time. It's not just that in this week, he couldn't remember the name of Hamas. It was he had to strain his thinking. You watched him on live TV, try to recall what the issues were he was being He had been briefed about between the negotiations between Israel and Hamas. He had been briefed hours earlier. He couldn't remember the details. So it's not just that he says he was talking to a dead man, and the dead man said the following, is he doesn't remember the substantive material that is briefed to him, and that is dangerous for the President of the United States. That is the bigger issue, John. That's what happens when you have an 81-year-old President in decline.


Haley Joel-Ousman, by the way, is the kid in the movie, the sixth Sense. Kari, what do you think?


As press secretary, your job is to provide as much information that's accurate, obviously, as quickly and cleanly as possible. One thing that frustrates me about our current White House press secretary is that she typically does not. Here, and I think this is a good example, to Ari's point, it's tough when you We have a principle that misspeaks as much as he does, and it's often painful for us to watch, just given clearly the decline that we're all observing. But nonetheless, the way to approach this as a press secretary is at the top, own it. He misspoke. People misspeak. Number two, the defense is not January sixth. January sixth has nothing to do with Joe Biden's decline and the misspeaking that he consistently engages in. I just to say three, if your principle makes a mistake, it's not the time to say, Oh, but so and so down the street also does that sometimes. No, that's not what we're here for. You need to answer the question. It's your job. This is what the American taxpayers are asking you to do, and that's what you need to do.


All right, Gary, Ari, thank you for that. Okay.