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So silly. I've always joked on this show that Twitter is like a fight club for people who don't want to get hit. You can log on at any hour, post something, and a broken person is there to argue. Hey, here's a picture of my cat. Oh, yeah. Does she like running up the steps like January sixth? And I'm like, Sir, are you okay? But the passenger, she did confirm my suspicion because she was a social media executive, and she said they really are incentivizing conflict because the more you duke it out, the more ads you're going to look at in the process, which is crazy in its own right. But it's not just the companies. The campaigns in this election want you on social. They're pouring major money to reach younger audiences. Abc actually published a piece this week with the pull quote being, Can Harris ride memes all the way to the White House? That's probably not the first thing someone's ridden to get a job in politics. But the truth is, memes matter, but should we be electing presidents this way, I guess, is the question. Huch, Fred Durst said he did it all the Nukie.


But are we doing it all for the memes? Are we doing it all for the memes?


We got to get the young voters in. You know the power of a roast joke? How it can shut someone up very quickly. I think a meme could do that if it's funny. That's my one gripe with both sides of this presidential election is you got to get better writers, guys.


You want better? You got to get better writers. You know what happens? A lot of times what the campaigns start with, okay, are campaign people. You know what I mean? Link wound up on a campaign after being who are funny outside a campaign. That's who you're supposed to hire. Exactly. I know people who are very funny who work for Trump, but they didn't start there. If you get the people who started in politics, he's like, Listen to my joke about the treasury yield. Everybody's like, I just fell asleep and drove off the road. But let me ask you this, Link, because you did get famous on TikTok. First of all, what is it like to be a useful idiot for Communist China? I kid. But TikTok is where young people get their news. Exactly. It matters. You've seen the strategic pivot where both parties at At one point, we're like, TikTok's got to get out of here. This is not good. It's China. That ship has sailed, has it not?


No, totally. Trump joined TikTok. Now, Kamala is on TikTok. I'm like, Do you all not remember? Kamala was going to sign a TikTok band two weeks ago. Now, you all love her. It's going to take more than coconut memes. I want to hear some policies. Less coconuts, more policy.


The TikTok guy wants more substance.


I do. What's funny is she's laughing in all these memes, but the issues aren't funny. The economy is in the crapper, the border, immigration, foreign policy. I want to hear some Link is asking for some migrant crime material.


Of all the requests we get in the Comedy Club, I need something about the drug cartels trafficking people.


Off my soapbox.


Now, you know this. Trump has posted some of my stuff. We had a Bidenica sketch that was on this video, on this show that went viral. We'll stop it. There was a song, that great Biden song parody. But I understand there are all kinds of laws and logistics to that. But I think people realize, and you know this, as someone who's very dabbling in the the dark arts of social media, I think people realize we're just not going back. We may mock this. It's like, Oh, it's an idiocracy. It's so stupid that we do this, but no one's putting down the phone. So this is my question, is the phone now carrying around us? Yeah. How do you become famous in two seconds? Haktul and spit on that thing. She's a millionaire now. Is she got that money? Because I've heard there's a lot of cash. It's stupid. Wow, that is nuts. One social media post and she's... Good job, girl. Okay. The girl, I thought I thought you were referring to Jenny. Okay, we're cool. I'm kidding. You stop. You leave her out of there. I would never. Jenny, I would never. Jenny is a saint.


But we did a Kamala commercial for a car commercial for Kamala. Someone stole it on TikTok, and it got like 10 million views. It was insane. We don't even play it on the show. We just did it on social. That's how big the market is. The thefts are getting bigger traction than the stuff we're even posting ourselves because all of these big contents don't necessarily know how to create content themselves. That's the bigger issue. There's the other piracy issue. We didn't run the ad on the show, but it was the Kamala. The car was called the Kamala. The issue with the GPS is if you put it on the female voice, it didn't know how to get to the Southern border. But if you put it on the Doug voice, the GPS only went to the nanny's house. It was like, Come on, I'm trying to get some donuts here.


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