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All right, the generation that came of age during the extended blue state lockdowns, including in New York and the George Floyd riots, is showing us what they've learned. The adults who celebrated the passion of those who spat at the police, tore apart our cities, and ripped down our historical monuments, created what we're watching tonight on college campuses.


Guys, my team, my team.


Come on, make arms.


Stop, stop.


I remember on the January sixth, I smashed the window, right? That was a war crime, but they do it here, and it's like, Well, do you want another pizza? All right, despite this travesty that we're seeing on campus, there is some hope. Two of the brave students at Columbia faced off against the angry mob as they tried to break into Hamilton Hall.


Ready? Circle, blockade around these three. We're going to move them out. The people. Another human chain. The people. You guys will never be defeated. The people will never be defeated. The people united will never be defeated. Get someone to wrap around. Get inside of me. Is someone recording this? I got it. This is 100% assault. What is your name? Guys. What is your name? Kill, kill, kill. Can you wrap? You are assaulting them? Why not assaulting them? You're the one who pushed me.


Joining me now, Rory Wilson and Charles Beck, the two students you just saw. You guys, first of all, major kudos to you. I don't know whether just to congratulate you or declare you insane for trying to face off against that mob. But Rory, let's start with you. What made you decide to take that stand?


Well, it was pretty much on the spur of the moment.


My friends got me out of bed, told me something was happening on campus. I ran over and I saw that it was pretty much chaos. People were smashing in the windows. Massive mob gathered outside of Hamilton Hall, piling up chairs on the inside and that thing. So I wanted just off the cuff of it, wanted to show that I disapproved what was going on, that this was completely inappropriate, destroying the property of our university, and that this is not at all the way that we ought to conduct ourselves in any discourse. I just wanted to register my protest against their protest. That's what I was telling them when they were yelling at me. Amazing. I'll protest your protest. I'm free to do that.


Well, Charles, you actually got dragged away, I understand, at one point. Here's what happened. Watch.


You guys are the ones dragging people away. You can look on this name. This is assault. You're shoving me. All right. I will stop shoving you because this will ruin your whole life. I'm sorry, you're going to look at your whole I'm trying to get him and my other friend down. Okay, thank you. I'm trying to get them out. Why? Don't mess with me. Why are you trying to get us down?


Charles, One of your friends said something to you to convince you to move away at that point. What was said?


Yeah, that's a good friend of mine who I've known for quite a couple of years. So essentially, he was really just quite scared for my health and safety. He had a top field vision of it, and he was afraid that if I had remained there, that the crowd would have caused me serious bodily injury, even death. Essentially, what he whisper to me was, well, something along the lines of, Don't be stupid. Don't get martyred for a building. The idea that perhaps it wasn't worth getting that injured. But I can certainly see where he was coming from. Perhaps part of the move here was to... I wasn't really thinking, to be entirely honest with you about my own health and safety. I was more so just thinking of... I don't know, thinking that someone needed to say something. Ideally, someone at our university could say that, well, they didn't agree with what was happening, and they understood it as something fundamentally wrong.


Well, they don't want to debate, Rory. Sorry, Charles, but they don't want to debate. They You want their way or the highway. No debate at all. You guys were, frankly, potential road kill if you got in the way of that. You told one of our producers, Rory, that you thought someone might have been following you on your walk home from Hamilton Hall? Is that the case?


Yeah, it's hard to know. There were a lot of shady people going around outside of campus. There were people in the crowd there that I'm not sure if they were students, but definitely on the outside. There was footage of people climbing into or John J. Hall from outside of campus, all in black. There was a car that was full of masked people who seemed to be keeping an eye on us. I'm not entirely sure, but we stayed together as a group with some of our friends to make sure that we got back safely.


Well, I heard both of you had a run-in with this professional protester, this woman, Lisa Fiffian. Watch this.


We, as students of this university, are fully free to stand here in public. You have way more of a right to do what we're doing than any of these people have to destroy this building.


No one's destroying the building. I beg to differ. People have broken the windows with the intention of taking this building so that they can take the University hostage. You know what? I'm glad to be here, Rory.


Okay. Rory or Charles, I guess now, we're going to talk more about her in a moment, but how did this Lisa introduce herself to you? Did she tell you that she was a protester, Charles?


She claimed that she actually was just there to make sure that no one got hurt and was just there to ensure that people stayed out of the way who shouldn't have been in the way. She actually tried to present herself as more of a moderating character who was there to just, I don't know, ensure that things were safe. She also said that she was with the university in some capacity, though I had no idea what that meant, to be honest.


Hey, Rory. Rory, what's Sorry, Roy, what's your message to the board of trustees tonight? Who could have shut this thing, could have shut this thing down a week ago?


My message would be that they just need to get things under control and give graduating seniors their commencement. People who are seniors right now have gone through a lot in their college career, and so it's the least that they can do to just get things under control and allow people to finish up their college career with an actual graduation.


Rory and Charles, come to me if you need work because we're always looking for brave students. Fantastic. Good work, and thank you for actually representing normal America.


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