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Spare with me a second here, folks. I want to make sure I get the intro correct because the guest wrote it himself. My next guest is a first ballot, Hall of Fame comedian, and he only agreed to come on this show because he thought I was Jimmy Fallon. We are thrilled to welcome the sultan of cinema, The Sage of Saturday Night Live, His Excellency, John Lovitz in the House. Hello, John Lovitz. All right.


You're not Jimmy Fallon. You've been had. No, Well, thanks for having me on your show.


That sound you hear at home is Lovitz firing his publicist, but good to see you.


Nice to see you.


I love this because you were a subway spokesperson, and I look like I get paid in subway. There's a symbiotic thing here. For all of your comedic talents, a lot of our audience knows that you can sing as well. How did you dodge the... There it is. How did you dodge the bullet of becoming an Elvis impersonator? Because The most funny guys who can sing that are your age, you're what? You said 84. I kid, I love you. Don't you dare. But now, honestly, how did you dodge the Elvis bullet? Or did you not dodge it at one point?


No, I tried to imitate him singing. Just as a singer, if you really listen to him singing, he could have been an opera singer. His voice was amazing. But I did a show called Sing Your Face Off, where you had to imitate singers. If you look it up, they put prosthetics on you and this. I did Roy Orbison, who sing similar to... I don't know if he influenced Elvis or not, but a similar. I did a pretty good. You'd be shocked how good I was. You stopped it, love.


I was shocked. It was spooky. I have seen your Roy Orbison impersonation, and we booked you anyway. I'm kidding. You stopped it. How dare you? Listen, we needed one G.


I heard you try it out for this show, and you couldn't get it, and that's why they call you fail.


You failed. Let Let me stop you right there. I get in anywhere I want because-Bet you never heard that.


Good job. But you never heard that your whole life. You took me all the way back to third grade.


But let me give you this. I get in anywhere I want to go because I dress like a waiter.


Yeah, you look like a mater D.


Let me ask you this before you got into showbiz. Who was the guy for John Lovitz that made you want to get into showbiz?


Well, at first it was like Al Jolson and Jim James Cagny. I saw the Al Jolson story in Yankee D. O. D. D. But when I was 13, I saw Woody Allen's first movie, Take the Money and Run. That's when I said, I want to be a comedian like Woody Allen. Then it was amazing to me, 29 years later, I'm on the set doing a movie with him. I didn't know if I should do a character or not in the movie. He said, No, just be yourself. Guys like us are funny. When he said, Guys like us, I started crying because it validated my whole life.


No, that's amazing. No, that's amazing. It was like such a full circle book and moment.


Yeah, it was amazing. After that, I go, What do I do now? Should I just quit? But really, I thought, Well, I achieved my goal. Now what?


Yeah, go out on top. You're iconic SNL character, Tommy Flanegan, the pathological liar. Do you think he missed his calling in politics?


I think so. He actually goes, Hi, my name is Tommy Flanegan. He can't even say his name right.


It would have been a good politician.


No, it was me. I hate lying, and that was me making fun of liars. That character, I did everything you're not supposed to do when you lie, which is make it really obvious and look away and start and stutter. But I got on Saturday Night Live, and Loryn Michiels had me ride with Whitney Brown after the first time. It was one of the most fun things I've ever done in my life. I'm grateful to Loryn and Whitney. They kept putting it on the show, and the The whole country was imitating it. The funny thing is, to this day, when a politician lies, they still quote me. Donald Trump, I met him years ago, but he's always quoting my liar character about other politicians. To this day.


The great John Lovitz, man. We love you. Let's do this again sometime. Thank you, John Lovitz. Is he not the greatest dude ever? Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.


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