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Another year around the sun as Creepy Joe turns 81. Today, President Biden turned 81 years old and he celebrated with a fresh bottle of embalming fluid. I'm kidding. They actually sang happy birthday to him.


And by the way, it's my birthday today and they can actually sang Birthday. I just want you to know it's difficult turning 60. It's difficult.


I think Joe knows all about turning 60. He's done it three times. But after that song, joe stripped down and had the press play connect the liver spots with their sharpies. But Bloomberg News calls his age his biggest liability for 2024, if you don't count Hunter. The open border, the bad economy, the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, the bots to Afghanistan withdrawal, the rising crime rate, payoffs from China, and of course, the price of gas and eggs. Meanwhile, politico reports, quote, even those in Biden's inner circle, including family members, worry about the optics of age. Some acknowledge that the President can at times appear frail. Can at times appear frail. That's an understatement. He's so frail, dust comes out when he pees. He's so frail he broke his hip. Reading the Wall Street Journal called his running for re election an act of profound selfishness. Quote, aging people, even if they're not surrounded by yes men, can be the last to notice times toll. Yeah, especially when these yes men say yes to everything Joe says, except did I myself. And in Biden's case, his aging brain can't tell the difference between a six year old girl and a teenager.




Oh, my gosh.


I love your ears. I love them. They're really cool. What's your name?




Catherine. What a beautiful name. That's my mommy's name. Well, nice to see. How old are you? 17. Six.


That's the kind of mistake that gets most men 15 to 20. Or a seat on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet. So what do you get the man who has it all yet remembers nothing? Well, let's see what his pals got him. You'll never guess what Kamala got Joe for his birthday. Check it out.


Oh my God.


And for the 8th year in a row, here's what Hunter got him. His brother got him the usual money. The girls in the secretarial pool got him some new sniffing material. Dr. Jill got him a special card he's supposed to keep in his wallet. The crew of Air Force One got him this for the next time he tries to board. And finally, those cheapskate Taliban, all they got him was this card. You know, Emily, I think it's a bad thing for Republicans to focus on age because that gives them a free pass on everything else.


I'm literally crying from his birthday presents right now. Okay, I don't ever want to bash anyone's age because may you live until 120. God bless you, AB.


I agree. It's our audience.


You don't have to run for President. But you know what it is his birthday. So I actually wrote a little letter for Biden that I'd like to share. Happy birthday, President. May you live until 120. May you have another year of single handedly ruining the economy, creating a new term called Bidenflation, which I use every single day now, opening our borders, welcoming so many new friends, and Hamas terrorists, and last but not least, for single handedly sending billions to Iran to keep up the terrorists. Thank you so much, Mr. President. Happy birthday.


You know, Jim, I made this point on the Five and nobody laughed, so I'm going to say it to you. It's funny when you see because Trump is not much younger than Joe, but meanwhile, Trump is doing stand up while Joe can barely stand up.


Thank you.


Got a laugh here. It's okay. I said that to what's? That guy who sits in the jesse, and he just nodded. He wasn't even listening.


Anyway, was there a mirror nearby?


Yes, there was a mirror. What do you think about his know, he's old.


I mean, they're saying like, a lot of people are worried, like what if there's a national security threat in the middle of the night? How be able to handle it? He's 81, he's getting up ten times a night going to the bathroom. He's going to be fine. If anyone's going to be awake, it's going to be him.


That's true.


Well, I mean, I got an idea. Like John F. Kennedy was 43 when he was sworn in, right? So Joe Biden, if he gets the second nomination, he'll be 86 when he's out of office. So the Biden team should just go, hey, listen, you're not going to vote in one old man, you're going to vote in two JFKs, that might work.


That might work. That might work. I don't know if it will. Kennedy, what do you think of this? Like the age thing? Is the age the worst thing about Joe?


No, there are people turning 100 left and right. I mean, there are people who are in their ninety s and close to 100 who are running circles around him.




Look at Ducey. Steve Ducey is 117 years old.


It is incredible.


Is up at two in the morning, single handedly running this network.


Yes. He's so spry.


He's too important here. We can't let him go run the country. Yes, but yeah, Joe Biden, it's the fact that he's in mental decline that is never going to reverse itself. He's never going to be spry, he's never going to remember things, he's never going to have his former strength. So the Wall Street Journal is right, it is an act of selfishness. It's also an act of cruelty. The yes, men and women that you talk about, they're the ones who are propping him up. He's incredibly stubborn. He's been to the summit. Anyone who has been president never wants to give away that power, and they're letting him. And shame on them. He should have the wisdom to step aside, but he can't because Kamala's horrible.


Yeah, that's exactly right.


Less popular than he is.


Kamala is his insurance. You know, I heard that, like, Joe actually applied for a balance of nature commercial and they said, no.


Relaxium, though, relax him.


Sleepy Joe could sell one or two bottles of those. Charlie, they keep talking about this bubble wrap strategy, like the analogy of just wrapping them in bubble wrap. What could that I mean, I think.


It'S an admission that it's not going to get better from here. And I agree with you. His age is probably his least terrible liability, but it is a problem. And is he going to fall less as time goes on? It's only going to get worse. And I don't think that Donald Trump is going if Trump winds up being the nominee, I don't think that he's going to let him get away with trying the whole basement strategy, but carrying on with what Kennedy said, it is absolutely selfish, but it's also two levels of selfishness. It's not just his own selfishness and his own self regard, but it's also he's like, surrounded by family who are still making money off of him.


That's true.


And they have to prop him up. And it's the cruelest thing I feel like we've ever seen in recent politics.


Yeah. It's like having an entertainer in your family who's really old, and so you just wheel him out for the fans and then you just take the money. You take the money like Eliza Minnelli. Remember that on the was that the Oscars when Lady Gaga wheeled her out and it was really sad? Am I doing a show right.


Or not?


It's like he's their ATM machine.


Yeah, he's their ATM machine. Yeah. Except things come out of him. Greg, I didn't three different places.


I didn't know when you meant bubble wrap analogy. I thought you literally meant physically wrapping it on him because he falls so much. And then I was like, oh, that actually would make sense.


That's only when they move him. All right, up next, Gen Z wants a pass for sitting on their ass.


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