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We love talking about traveling, about any sports, and we try to avoid talk about any conflicts or any argues that we have in the bat either.


Sports, politics, so it's kind of off limits because we get too aggressive.


Politics would be the biggest ticket to avoid at all costs. Obviously everybody has their own opinions. That's not the time to voice your ideas of the way things should be run.


What we're not doing to talk about at Thanksgiving is politics because everybody has different views and that's not what's about on getting family together on the holidays.


It's just real sensitive.


It's a time and place for everything and that's not Thanksgiving dinner. I don't really talk about relationships, so that's really it everything else we could.


Talk about when are you getting married and when am I having kids? That's the two tough questions that I don't like being asked at Thanksgiving dinner.


Don't talk about people's food. If you don't like it, don't eat it. But don't say, oh, who made the potato salad? No, if raises are in the potato salad, just don't eat it.


Who made what dish? Because certain people can't cook in my family so we don't eggs who made it. We just eat it and be like, okay, yeah, this is good, but you know it's not good. We don't eggs who make the dish.


I think just everyone's lives in general how they're doing. I think I love catching up with my family members. I don't talk to them all the time, so make sure they're okay. How they're doing with their lives are my favorite things. Just to chat about with them for their like how are they doing.


Only nice things, only many gratitude, many thanks for everything. We all speak and we say something we are grateful for the best is.


Anything about cooking and business proposals and uplifting stuff, just growing and good things about life. Topics that I avoid is religion and politics.


Anything that's a downer. I want to talk about what people are blessed to have and what they're thankful for. I don't want to hear about any negative stuff.


Talk about those good times when you remember the real good things that pulls us together.


I just cannot have him knowing. My favorite sports team is the North Stars as their rivals. To me the thing he doesn't want to talk about is where he's going to go to college next year. Absolutely. Just dreaded topic. It's always where are you going to go to college? What do you want to do when you grow up?


Work is Monday through Friday except for holidays.


We're not talking about politics. We're not getting any arguments. We're just going to keep it like what you're thankful for and that's spending time with each other.


Being with my we haven't been together.


In seven years, so it's great see.


How everybody's doing because all the time we get together but we just see who doing what? And what's the update and reminisce on stuff?


Don't want to talk about finance and no problem. I want it all to be joyful, laughing, eating, drinking and having fun.