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Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy just had a big health scare, but apparently, I think we're about to find out he's doing okay.


Yeah, so Dave joins us right now. Dave, I'm so glad you announced that you're okay. Wasn't a serious type of cancer, but tell us what happened and how this all unfolded.


Well, I'm getting old, so I got to start doing the old person checkups when you get mid-forties, late forties. So I did the skin checkup. I got to do the prostate, the the colonoscopy, all the stuff you don't want to do. But I'm getting old. So I did a skin checkup because I love the sun, and they scraped a couple of moles, came back and said one of them was cancer. It was never like you got to rush in. Your life is in danger, so thank God. Still, you hear cancer is scary. So they just removed it. I'm sure I'll have more of that as I continue to get older. But it's a good lesson that when you get my age, you guys just start getting things checked out. It's like a big gnarly scar on my neck. But no, I was never Oh, my God, I may die type situation.


Was it like a basal cell?


Yeah, basal cell carcinoma.


Well, I'm glad you're better. They just took one-off my back a couple of weeks ago. I am just slightly older than you. Just saying.


Dave, we wanted to talk about the good news because you're going to do the second annual One Bite. Everyone knows the rules, the festival. Our old camera guy, Nate the Great, was there last year. He said it was incredible. Tell us about it.


Yeah, last year there was a hurricane, and that's putting it mildly. It's the best pizza festival ever, probably the best food festival, the best pizzerias. We're talking John's Obliq, or La Calle, everyone who's going to think of Pepe, Sally, New Haven, New York, Chicago. We have them all under one roof. And the best part is it actually tastes like if you have a slice of this pizza, it tastes like how it tastes at their shop because we bring in their ovens, make it feel like you're in their actual storefront. So if you like pizza, it's can't miss. We have improved the venue at Randall's Island so we can get more people in there, two time slots, an afternoon and an evening. And like I said, last year, I'm a pretty critical nitpicky guy outside the weather. Mother Nature, I haven't figured out how to control her yet. Outside of that, it was the best event I've ever been at. It was spectacular. All the pizza places loved it. If you like pizza, it's the place to be.


Dave, everybody wants you to take one bite of their pizza. If you get all those places, can you still take one bite of each venue's pizza?


Yeah, well, I'm a pro. I'm a professional. People Excel at different things. I'm a professional pizza eater, so I know how to pace myself and do it. Yeah, that's a day at the park, but there should be like, Don't try this at home, kids type sign on the festival because it's a ton of pizza. You do have to ration it.


If the kids want to get tickets for the second annual, One Bite Pizza Festival, they go and sell this Friday.


He's described himself as the Joey Chesnut of pizzas.


All right, we'll give Ms. Peaches a big kiss for us, Dave. We're glad you're okay.


We're glad you're okay. Congratulations on both fronts.


I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilme.


I'm Ainsley Earhart. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.