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Tim Miller is a former Secret Service agent. Tim, how serious is this?


Jesse, I never thought I'd see the day where the Secret Service needed protection in the White House grounds. As a German Shepherd owner, pretty much my whole life, you recognize these dogs are powerful, and that's why we use them in law enforcement and in the military. When they're trained, they're awesome. When they're not trained, they are a deadly weapon. They run 30 miles an hour. They have bite pressure. I've seen these dogs in action, and it's shocking to me that more than 20 Secret Service agents have been attacked or bitten, one knocked down. You just got to ask yourself the question, who's more important here, the dog or the secret service agents willing to lay down their life to protect you.


What would it be like working the White House detail with this thing on the loose?


Well, anybody that's been around a German Shepherd that's angry recognizes immediately. I don't care. You're going to be afraid. You're going to have a cautious approach. But here's the real issue, Jesse. That dog became a security threat, not just to the agents, but to others, because We know when a dog bites and draws blood, it's likely to do it again and again and again. We saw it in this case. Quite frankly, my question was, if there was a real security incident, are the Which I've been a part of, are the agents going to be more concerned with being attacked by the dog or someone coming over the fence?


It's crazy. What would be a worst scenario as a secret service agent on the Biden detail? Getting bit by his dog or witnessed missing him skinny-dipping?


Well, I think they're co-equal. I do think, Jesse, the fact that this dog was in the area and able, again, to pounce, it's scary. I'm glad it's over. Maybe they'll issue a pardon to the commander.


That's right. Now they're a cat family. Unbelievable. Thank you so much. Thanks for your service.


Thanks for having me, Jesse.


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