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House Democrats reportedly working on letters that would call on President Biden to end his re-election campaign. Sources tell Fox News Digital, multiple draughts are circulating among lawmakers. New York Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malia Takas is standing by. First to Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram, who is reporting live from Washington today. Hi Chad.


Alicia, good afternoon. No one in the Democratic leadership has seen those letters, but chatter about letters underscores how Democrats don't think the President can sustain this situation. Democrats are worried Congress being on recess this week bought President Biden time he does not have.


Got to go out there and show it this week. That is where time's not on his side. The White House staff can't wrap him in bubble. They got to put him out there. I'm blunt. He should have been on the phone Friday. Took too long to get on the phone.


More other Democrats may start to distance themselves from the President in public if he fails to leave the race. It's possible a Democratic mass exodus could persuade President Biden to quit.


The Biden administration is not running this show. It is a campaign decision being made at D&C headquarters. The reality is that the Democrats are going to have to have a conversation in their own home on what they want to do. And this Independence Day, we are seeing just fractures across the Democratic Party.


Now, Republicans are concerned about who is occupying the office. There has been talk about using the 25th Amendment to remove the President.


I think the story that is most important is who is making decisions for the President? What we saw was a frail individual who was being led by his wife, not the President of the United States, not somebody who, if Iran or China China moves or Russia, is prepared to react.


Democrats are petrified about losing seats down ballot. That could mean putting states and seats in play where Democrats should win. Alicia?


Chad Pergram, happy fourth of July to you. Really good to see you. Thank you. Likewise. Anita.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campanio. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Faulkner and Kaylee McEnneney on Outnumbered Every Weekday at 12:00 PM Eastern, or set your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.