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Here now with reaction from the Trump campaign. It's Trump 2024. National Press Secretary, Caroline Levie in the courtroom today. Caroline, let's get your take on today's events and maybe dovetail off of what Professor Turley was saying.


Well, today was an absolute dumpster fire for the Biden campaign, Sean. They woke up to a headline in Politico that the Democrat Party is in a full-blown freak-out over Joe Biden's failing and desperate campaign. And a couple of hours later, they showed up to the criminal courthouse in Manhattan. Joe Biden's spokesperson was holding a press conference all but conceding that this entire case comes from the top. It comes from Crooked Joe Biden, who is using Alvin Bragg as a far left prosecutor because no other prosecutor in America in their right mind would proceed with this case other than Alvin Bragg, who has Trump derangement syndrome. Who is the star guest at that press conference outside the courthouse today? Robert De Niro, an out of touch elitist actor from Hollywood, because those are the only people left in this country who support Joe Biden. He went on an unhinged tirade about President Trump. You know what he didn't mention? The real problems that Americans are facing, the fact that they are petrified about this weaponized government that Joe Biden is leading, the fact that inflation is robbing them of thousands of dollars every single month, the fact that we have a wide open border because of Joe Biden's weakness that has allowed an invasion of millions of illegal criminals and terrorists into our great country.


Joe Biden's campaign is so desperate. That was outside the courtroom and then inside the courtroom. The George Soros funded prosecution completely imploded. They have lost the plot. It took them more than four hours to conclude their closing arguments because they don't have a crime and they know it. They've been doing legal gymnastics with this jury, and I feel sorry for the jury because they've wasted six weeks of their life listening to this crap from George Soros' team, Joe Biden's team, Alvin Bragg's team, and Judge Mirshawn, who is highly conflicted judge who has overseen it all.


What is your take on the judge allowing, as Jonathan Turley was talking about in detail, all of this information to go out there? The jury has been told dozens of times payments were campaign violations. The judge let that false claim without any evidence go uncontradicted in this case. What's your take on that?


It's unbelievable to witness the sheer bias of this judge. Every Every time our defense team proposes an objection, he totally overrules it. But he has all the patience in the world for the prosecution. He has the entire time. As Professor Turley pointed out, he denied a key witness in this case who would have proved that There was no federal campaign violation. That's why the FEC didn't bring this case up in the first place. That's why Joe Biden's Justice Department even passed on this case, and so did Nalvin Bragg's predecessor in the DA's office, Cy Vance. They all passed on this case because there is no crime. The judge knows that, and he's a highly conflicted judge for reasons that President Trump can't even talk about because he imposed an unconstitutional gag order on the President because he doesn't want President Trump to expose the to expose the truth about his corruption.


That's why he did not step in and stop this uncontradicted, false narrative to go forward in closing arguments today. Outrageous beyond anything I've ever heard or seen in my life. Caroline Levit, thank you. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.