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A Wisconsin congressman is outraged over one of the trees on display at a Christmas tree festival in his town. The tree by the Satanic temple is covered in red lights, of course, pentagrams, and an ornament reading, Hale Santa, a nod to the phrase, Hale Satan. The congressman who represents that community, sounded on it earlier on Sunday Morning Futures.


Conservatives are often accused of launching a culture war or focusing or fixating on cultural issues. But here is a perfect example of how that's not what's happening. What's happening is we're just trying to defend basic traditions or defend our children in the midst of these basic traditions from the encroachment of woke ideology or offensive, upside down cultural propaganda.


So, Nicole, that is Mike Gallagher, Republican, Wisconsin. He makes a good point, doesn't he?


You know, it's interesting. So I was looking at this and what we're actually talking about, this was, Kansan Railroad Museum puts on this display of holiday trees every year. There were 66 different displays, the majority being nonprofits, private businesses. Only six were actually Christian related. And the reality is holiday trees aren't necessarily equate with the Christian holiday of Christmas. In fact, they go back to 15th century Germany, and it was a celebration of the Garden of Eden. So I certainly don't think that Christians should be offended by some of these non-Christian trees. It's just like I don't believe non-Christians should be offended by Christmas trees at all. What I found concerning, what I really looked into this was that Satanic nonprofit is part of a bigger federal group. And on their website, so they're petitioning for access to abortion. And what they say is to, quote, continue performing voluntary abortions as part of its religious rituals. To me, that is a huge ordeal. When we're talking about the spirit of the holidays and families coming together and especially something, a railroad museum, where you're going to have children, these are certainly nothing that children should be exposed to.


We cannot take a family-friendly event and put things in front of them that could be harmful for them.


That's the thing, Alicia. This is about kids, and they're going to go to a Christmas decoration, a Christmas event, and they have to be shown all of this stuff. It's just amazing that at this point, I saw on Fox and Friends earlier, you had a guest on and they said, This is like waving a Hamas or Hezboah flag at a synagogue. In other words, it's just a benign event. Can't we just have.


Something nice anymore? Well, I think you also have to think about parents who are now ending up in conversations that they didn't expect because they were just going to see a bunch of Christmas trees. That's happening time and time again with parents when all of a sudden they're in these conversations that they really never expected to have with their kids. But I was thinking of, and I agree with you, Nicole, also on some of this because I was thinking about a conversation we had yesterday about Christmas, and now people celebrate Christmas. Christmas and not necessarily in a Christian way. So do these folks have a right to be there? Yes. Is it in the Christmas spirit? No.


There was also, Joey, a gender diversity tree there as well and trans flags at this particular event. Would you take your children to something like this?


If it were my hometown and it's something that was a celebrated tradition, which is how this read to me, I'm not there. I don't know the size of this town or the demographics. Yes, absolutely, I would. The thing about freedom is it's dangerous, but it's worth it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in the First Amendment. My version of this, which hits me to my core, is going to bury a good buddy at Arlington National Cemetery and having to go through the Westboro Baptist Church protesters in order to get there. Having to decide for myself, Is it worth going to jail to take that dude out with my fist? That's what I wanted to do, and he earned it, but I didn't do it. Part of it because I don't have legs anymore and fighting isn't really on the table for me unless I'm biting your kneecaps off from the ground. But my point is I had to deal with that. I had to live through it. I had to shelter his family from seeing it. They're saying horrible, hateful things about people that serve in the military. They're out of Kansas, and they target places because they're all lawyers and they're trying to bait you in.


That's what organizations like this are doing. They're trying to bait you in, attack them, tell them they can't put their tree there so they can go sue you. There are organizations like that that exist under the guys of the First Amendment. You got to be smarter and you got to see it coming. You can't give up things just because they show up.


This is the beauty. These parents, if they don't like the community they're in, they can choose to.


Move away. That's the thing, right? If we believe in free speech and absolute free speech, then I guess you allow this and then let the consumer decide whether you want to go or not go. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.