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To reset here, the Maine Secretary of State is now decided to bar Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot in the state of Maine, joining what Colorado is doing. Well, to give us further analysis, we're going to bring in Jonathan Tarley, George Washington University Law Professor and just a real expert in this. Jonathan Tarley, what's your take on what's happening here in Maine?


Well, some of us had stated earlier that we thought Maine would go the way of Colorado. I said that just today in a column of why these Challenges went to Maine. Bellows wrote right after January sixth that it was an insurrection and kept on with those criticisms for the whole period after that. So she was on the record as saying that Donald Trump, in fact, did engage in an insurrection. So this was one of those challenges where the answers seemed clear. You've got to keep in mind this is the Secretary of State of Maine, this is not a court. And many of these challenges in states like Colorado were brought by Democratic or approved by Democratic secretaries of state. They then have to face judicial scrutiny. I am hoping that the court system in Maine has the same integrity as many other states and rejects this theory. It is really striking how Bellows cloaks herself as a defender of democracy in this statement when she is preventing voters from casting their vote for what is currently the leading candidate for the presidency. So it's a very odd claim to make, in my view. But the theory here, many of us view it as being fundamentally flawed.


The 14th Amendment, Section 3 deals with insurrection or rebellion. Many of us do not believe it was either. In fact, polling shows that the public views it as a protest that became a riot. I think that is accurate. But there are a host of problems in applying this provision to Donald Trump. The question now is, will this add to the urgency for the Supreme Court to rule? I hope it does. I hope that it can deal with this matter with finality and hopefully, unanimity, and to put this dangerous theory away for good.


Yeah, how they actually go out and make this claim repeatedly for somebody who's never been charged with this and never convicted of something that is a serious crime in this country is truly stunning to me. Jonathan Tarrolly, we appreciate you dropping everything in your night during this holiday week and joining us for your analysis. We really do truly appreciate it.


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