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She co-sponsored legislation to abolish very popular private health insurance, which 150 Americans rely on, dumping everyone onto inferior socialist government-run health care systems with rationing and deadly wait times while massively raising your taxes. She wants to take away your private health care. There are many people in this country who spend a lot of money on private health care. It's the best health care in the world, by the the way, but they want to do it. They worked hard to make money, and they want to do it. Under her, you're not going to have private health care plans anymore. You can be a wealthy person or a middle income person, and you want to spend on a really good plan, better than a government plan could be, far better. You're not going to be allowed. You're all going to be thrown into a communist system. It's a communist system. You're going to be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care. You wait for your doctor 10 months, 12 months, 11 months. You're going to see some of these plans, how they work in other countries. It's disgraceful. Private health care is gone. She wants it out.


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