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Well, more than a year after it was the site of a toxic Norfolk Southern train derailment, President Biden finally visited East Palestine, Ohio today, but was met with mostly skepticism and some animosity from residents who are still asking questions about their drinking water and their long-term health. Let's bring in East Palestine resident DJ Yokely. Dj, it's great to have you on the show. I know you say the President waited a year and you were hoping this would be more than a political stunt. Was it? What was your perception about this gathering, this meeting?


Yeah, this was nothing more than a political stunt. About 10 minutes of him talking and telling us things that we already know, Trace. For us, we waited 54 weeks to see this happen It's for this to transpire for the right time that he's been talking about happened at 4:45 on a Friday, right before he goes to Delaware. So you tell me why this happened. If he didn't bring any federal funding, he didn't bring anything but a wagging finger at Norfolk Southern and things that the community have known since the day this derailed.


Yeah. I want to play some sound bites from your fellow residents here, DJ, and I'll get your thoughts on the other side.


I made eye contact with a lot of the people in the vehicles after they looked at my side and they looked at me, and I hope it made a difference. I hope they do something because we're all stuck. We're all sick. He has treated us no better than what we had been treated for the past year, and it's heartbreaking.


Everybody said it. It's late.


A lot of people are disappointed in the President's visit so late, DJ, but really, we're more concerned about how are you, how are your fellow residents doing a year after this disaster?


Frustrated. I mean, a lot of the people in the video wanted Joe Biden to come, and they wanted him to bring answers. And instead, he brought empty hands and empty promises. And again, we want We don't know if we're safe here. For 54 weeks, our community has had to make tough, uneducated decisions because we have scientists on both sides of the aisle telling us we're safe, we're not safe. This is a situation where this is going to affect the rest of our lives. I mean, a lot of us have lived here our entire lives, our community. We love it, but we have to be safe to lay our head on our pillow and think about our children someday being affected. Cancer clusters are the possibilities that we keep hearing. It's a frustrating scenario that the President of the United States and his staff don't seem to care about.


I think we should point this out because the Daily Mail wrote this in a headline, Biden makes fleeting trip to East Palestine more than a year after train disaster. President greeted with FU chants and tells residents, We leave no one behind in whistle stop visit before, as you say, DJ, heading to the beach. He's at the beach. You and 5,000 of your fellow residents are still in East Palestine, and you're wondering, what's next? What is next?


And that's what we want to know as well. I mean, we've been told it's all because of how we vote. We all voted for Trump, apparently, in 2016, in 2020. Nobody voted for this. There's 4,700 people that would really like to go back to February second, 2023, and have their lives back, and not their entire life livelihood turned upside down. Business in this town have lost their business. We've seen business owners leave. I've had to leave my business in my hometown. This is a tough situation, Trace. Not one that you sign up for when you look toward the American dream.


Toward the American dream. Yeah. The line of the night is that nobody voted for this, and Joe Biden ran and he accepted this nomination as a uniter, and the people of East Palestine do not feel united. Dj Yokely, best of luck to you. Best of luck to the residents there. We will keep checking in as we have been throughout the past year. Thank you for coming on. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't get it anywhere else.