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Welcome back. Well, we hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving dinner because Joe Biden wanted it to be a total turkey brawl. The President calling on the country to come together during the Macy's Day Parade.


We have to come together. You know, we can have different political views, but we have one view. The one view is we're the finest, greatest nation in the world. We should focus on that. We should focus on dealing our problem and being together and stop the rancor. We have to bring the nation together. We have to treat each other with a little bit of decency.


But then the Biden campaign released a, quote, handy guide for responding to crazy MAGA nonsense during the holidays. So if your uncle says, quote, the economy was better during Trump, the Biden campaign suggests you tell them they are wrong. So, Jimmy, how was your chopping? A bit over here.


Solid. I had a good one. I can't promise you I'm sobered up yet. No promises. It's touch and go right now. Joe Biden, though, I mean, man, this guy, he's the guy who comes over to your table and says, excuse me, folks, this is no smoking restaurant, and then lights a cigar and walks away because everything he does contradicts his actions. Okay, that booklet they're handing out for Thanksgiving is a guide to being the worst Thanksgiving guest in the history of the world. The guy who shows up armed for conflict, who wants to get in a fight, is an unbearable person. But what are they catering to? Intellectually lazy idiots.




Because the truth is, most families aren't that divided on politics. This is a cliche. My family agrees on politics. I love these people. I couldn't get them out of my house. I actually was about to call the cops on myself to break up my Thanksgiving party. I mean, after a third football game, you have no right to be on my couch. But the point is, I'm not kicking them out for political differences, but this is what they cater to. Moral superiority. MAGA. People are bad, but that's what it is.


You're going to have a lot of snacks for a three football day game. Tulsi clearly, they're trying to insert politics. Or maybe people want to take a break. This kind of happens every year where these guides come out, but from a guy who says he wants unity, maybe it's not the best thing.


That's the thing, Katie, is as you listen to his Thanksgiving message, like, oh, well, we've heard all of that before. When he ran in 2020, he was the guy who was going to bring everyone together, be the uniter in chief. His inauguration message was about treating all Americans with respect, regardless of what party you are, whoever you voted for. And yet we've seen over every year of his presidency, he has, as you said, Jim, he has done exactly the opposite. He talked about bringing people together he treats anyone who voted for Donald Trump or even those who disagree and hold different values as the enemy and actually uses our federal agencies and law enforcement to go after them. He talked about bringing about more peace. The world is on fire right now. We are on the brink of World War Three on multiple fronts, the brink of nuclear war, and yet he has the audacity to come and pretend like we haven't paid attention for the last few years on everything that he's done and how disastrous it has been. And ultimately, like you said, I mean, whether you have political differences in your family or not, thanksgiving is a time for people to actually come together, treat each other with respect, and save the political arguments for another day.


For him to use this to further divide people is pretty unconscionable.


So dr. Sapphire, I was happy to see that for the first time in years, we were not fear mongered away from spending time with our families because of everything they're trying to do to keep us away from them because of COVID So I guess we've shifted and I've taken the choice now to just argue with our family members rather than distance ourselves from them.


Well, certainly, and by the know, we're not all going to agree. I love Jimmy's family. You guys all get along, same politics. I wouldn't say that's every household. But for me, though, if someone wants to bring up politics or bring up something to me, at least bring some facts with you and actually give a good representation of the situation and not just whatever makes you feel right. I mean, if you actually read what the Biden can't put out for their talking points at the Thanksgiving dinner, it's truly like a false equivalency or just like a logical fallacy. I mean, looking at just their talking about the crazy mag and nonsense when it comes to the economy, essentially they're talking about it like, hey, things were really, really bad last year, things are only bad this year, so we're doing great. But the bottom line is, like, prices are still up, inflation adjusted, wages are still down, things are bad, they need to stop touting themselves. And I mean, this little cheat sheet for talking points, that's all they got.


Because they don't they're pushing conflict. Like if you read the book, if someone says Happy Thanksgiving, you're supposed to say you're a racist.


Well, that's true. It's in the guide.


Actually, here it is.


This is the funny thing. And they know this and that's why they put this out. My family, I know people think because I talk like this and I come from a small town in Georgia, my family is probably a monolith of politics. I get that. But it's actually not. We have different ethnicities, different orientations, different politics. I've got lifelong teachers, lifelong public servants. I've got people that own businesses. In my family. The only thing they actually do agree on is that Joe Biden is a crappy president.


Thank you.


They disagree on abortion and guns and teachers unions and all this other stuff, but they agree on the fact that Joe Biden has done a terrible job. Thanksgiving's a cakewalk this year. So will be Christmas, because they all just don't want to see him around anymore.


Yeah, well, Thanksgiving is a time to be together and enjoy the food, which a lot of us did. Grateful for that. All right. Up ahead, a liberal city leader is so upset over the spiraling migrant crisis, he is no longer on speaking terms with Joe Biden.


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